
Statistics logs stopping or completion of all types of scans, virus database update, and actions applied to detected threats.

To view statistics, tap Statistics on the main page of the app.


Viewing statistics

The Statistics page contains two information sections (see Figure 17):

Total. Contains information on the total number of scanned files, detected threats, and neutralized threats.

Events shows the following information:

completion or stop of full, express, and custom scans;

virus database update or update failure;

actions applied to detected threats—deletion, moving to quarantine, ignoring.


Figure 17. Statistics

Filtering events

You can sort events in Statistics by


A to Z.

To sort events by date or A to Z

1.With a fast motion, pull the Statistics page down or pull the page down without lifting your finger.

2.In the pulley menu, select Filter events (see Figure 18).

3.On the next page, in the Sort by section select how you want to filter events.

You can also view only particular events by tapping any event in the list in the Show section of the Filter events page.

Searching events

You can search through events in Statistics.

To search events

1.With a fast motion, pull the Statistics page down or pull the page down without lifting your finger.

2.In the pulley menu, select Search events (see Figure 18).

3.On the next page, enter your search query.


Figure 18. Filtering and searching events

Clearing statistics

To delete entire app statistics, with a fast motion, pull the Statistics page down or pull the page down without lifting your finger and select Clear statistics (see. Figure 18).

Saving event log

You can save application event log for further analysis in case you experience troubles while using the application.

4.With a fast motion, pull the Statistics page down or pull the page down without lifting your finger.

5.Select Save log option.

6.Log is saved in DrWeb_Log.txt and DrWeb_Err.txt files located in the home/nemo/Documents/DrWeb/ folder in internal memory of your device.