Lookup |
Lookup is generalized interface for searching objects and receiving their values. Values are separated by commas. Some values have a prefix denoting a specific type of Lookup. The prefix is separated by a colon: [prefix1:]value1, [prefix2:]value2, ... If a prefix is not specified, values are used directly. Special symbols You can use the following special symbols in Lookup queries: •$s - is substituted with the requested element. For example, if an address is requested, $s is substituted with the full address (without angle brackets), if a domain is requested, $s is substituted with the domain name. •$d - if an address is requested, $d is substituted with the domain part of this address. Otherwise, the full address is inserted. •$u - if an address is requested, $u is substituted with the username from this address. If a domain is requested, an empty string is inserted. •$$ - is substituted with a single $.
Prefixes You can use the following prefixes to specify a data source: •value - specify the requested value after this prefix. This is default prefix and can be skipped. You can use this prefix when, for example, the value contains ':' symbol. •file - the value is a file path. Each value in the file must be set in a separate line. That allows rapid searching, because assortment and binary search can be used.
•regex - the value is a regular expression (compatible with Perl regular expressions) - the object is searched by a substring, absolute matching is not required. •rfile - the value is a file path. The file contains a set of regular expressions (compatible with Perl regular expressions), and each of them must be set in a separate line. The object is searched by a substring, absolute matching is not required.
•ldap - the value is the path to the LDAP server. The value is set in the following format: [param1=val1|param2=val2|...|] ldap_url where ldap_url – is an URL of LDAP query. Specify param1, param2 and others to override their values in the Lookup query (the values are set in the [LDAP] section of Dr.Web MailD configuration file). You can specify only those parameters, for which this option is explicitly stated (see description of the section parameters). For parameters that are not specified, values from the [LDAP] section of Dr.Web MailD configuration file are used. URL of LDAP query (ldap_url) is as follows: ldap://hostport/dn[?attrs[?scope[?filter[?exts]]]] where: ohostport - host name (can be specified with a port number separated by a colon - ":portnumber"); odn - database name where search is performed; oattrs - comma separated list of request attributes; oscope - can have one of the following values: base, one, sub; ofilter - filter name; oexts - set of LDAP and/or API extensions. Example: ldap://ldap.example.net/dc=example,dc=net?cn,sn?sub?(cn=*) •odbc, postgres, oracle, mysql, firebird, sqlite – the value is an SQL-query to the database in the corresponding DBMS (for ODBC – to DSN data source). SQL-query is of the following format: [param1=val1|param2=val2|...|] sql_request where sql_request – is a text of SQL query to the database and param1, param2 and others are parameters from the [<DATASOURCE>] section of Dr.Web MailD configuration file for the given Lookup (<DATASOURCE> – is name of used DBMS or ODBC, and is always equal to prefix which is used in the given Lookup: that is, [ODBC], [PostgeSQL], [Oracle], [MySQL], [Firebird], [SQLite]). From this section, only those parameters can be specified, for which this option is explicitly stated (see description of the section parameters). Pairs param=value must be included only if it is necessary to override their values in the given Lookup query. For parameters that are not specified, values from the [<DATASOURCE>] section of Dr.Web MailD configuration file are used. You can use special symbols as in the Lookup queries.
•cdb – the value is an alphanumerical name of the key in the CDB database. CDB database does not support the SQL query input language, that is why driver emulates the single SQL command for operating with lookups: select * from @tablename where key='@string' where @tablename must be changed to the name of any file specified as a source item in the [CDB] section of Dr.Web MailD configuration file. Example: cdb:skipdomains=regex:^inbox|select * from my_file where key='$s' Note that the SkipDomains parameter, locally overridden in this Lookup, is of the LookupLite type (that is, Lookup for whoch only file: and value: prefixes are allowed). •berkeley – enables interaction with Berkeley DB. Format of the query is similar to that of cdb prefix. Parameters from the [Berkeley] section of Dr.Web MailD configuration file are used. You can use special symbols as in the Lookup queries. Local overriding of parameters in Lookup queries After a prefix, you can optionally specify a list of values for the SkipDomains and OnError parameters to be used in this Lookup. The local values are specified in the following format: NAME1 = VALUE1 | NAME2 = VALUE2 | ... | where: •NAME - case-insensitive parameter name; •VALUE - parameter value. If a parameter is not locally overridden in a Lookup, their default values or values from the corresponding [<DATASOURCE>] section of Dr.Web MailD configuration are used (where <DATASOURCE> corresponds to the Lookup prefix).
Features of Lookups processing Please note that during Lookup processing, Dr.Web MailD waits for connection to a data source (DBMS or LDAP server) during a timeout specified in the the data source settings or overridden locally in the Lookup prefix. This can slow down the performance of Dr.Web MailD if the network connection is not stable or specified connection parameters are incorrect. If connection attempt fails during the timeout, the error is fixed and processed according to the OnError parameter value specified either in the data source settings or overridden locally in the Lookup prefix. If a Lookup is used as the Router parameter value (specified in the [Sender] section) and the OnError=exception error handling mode is used (this mode can be set in the data source settings or locally overridden in the Lookup value expression), the state when Sender cannot receive required route from the used data source is handled as an error in Sender operation. Error message is logged. In this case: •in the synchronous mode, Receiver returns the SMTP error code 451 (Requested action aborted: local error in processing) to the message sender, and the email message is deleted from all queues of Dr.Web MailD. •in the asynchronous mode, the message is marked as 'stalled' and Sender tries to send it at intervals specified in the StalledProcessingInterval parameter value.