Sections of Main Configuration File

Dr.Web MailD configuration file, as any other configuration file of Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers components, is textual and consists of sections (see general description of Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers configuration files).

Dr.Web MailD configuration file consists of the following sections:

Sections with main parameters of Dr.Web MailD operation:

[General] – contains general settings of Dr.Web MailD. This section is mandatory.

[Maild] – contains general settings of MailD core. This section is mandatory.

[MailBase] – contains settings of internal database of email messages included into MailBase. This section is mandatory;

[Notifier] – contains settings of Notifier (used for sending notifications, reports and DSN). This section is mandatory.

[Quarantine] – contains settings of Quarantine. This section is mandatory.

[Filters] – contains settings of all used plug-ins and their launch order during processing of an email message. This section is mandatory.

[Rule] – contains default settings for parameters used in Message processing Rules (for initialization of parameter values if they are not initialized by any rule). This section is mandatory and must be specified before the [Rules] section.

[Rules] – contains rules for mail processing management. This section is optional. Can be empty or absent if processing rules are not used or they are moved to the internal database.

[Stat] – contains settings of statistics collection. This section is optional and can be absent.

[Reports] – contains settings of reports generating. This section is optional and can be absent.

[Logging] – contains logging settings. This section is optional and can be absent.

The following sections contain settings of SASL authentication if it is used. If SASL authentication is not used, both sections can be absent. If SASL is used, both sections are mandatory:

[SASL] – contains settings of SASL authentication.

[Cyrus-SASL] – contains settings of the cyrus-sasl SASL driver (in the current version, only this driver can be used).

The following sections contain parameters of interaction with different mail systems (MTA):

[Receiver] – contains settings for Receiver which operates directly via the SMTP/LMTP protocol and also interacts with the Exim, Zmailer and Postfix (if Postfix does not use the Milter protocol) mail systems. This section is optional and can be absent. However, this section is mandatory if Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers operates in SMTP/LMTP proxy mode or interacts with Exim, Zmailer or Postfix (if Postfix does not use the Milter protocol).

[Sender] – contains settings for Sender which operates directly via the SMTP/LMTP protocol and also interacts with all mail systems except Communigate Pro. This section can be absent if Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers interacts only with Communigate Pro.

Please note that both sections, [Receiver] and [Sender], are mandatory if Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers operates in SMTP/LMTP proxy mode or interacts with Exim, Zmailer or Postfix (if Postfix does not use Milter protocol). Only the [Sender] section is mandatory if Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers interacts with Qmail, Courier or other mail system which uses Milter protocol (for example, Sendmail or Postfix).

[Courier] – contains settings of interaction with Courier mail system. This section is optional and can be absent. However, this section is mandatory if Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers is integrated with Courier mail system.

[CgpReceiver] – contains settings of Receiver which interacts with the Communigate Pro mail system. This section is optional and can be absent. However, this section is mandatory if Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers is integrated with the Communigate Pro mail system.

[CgpSender] – contains settings of Sender which interacts with the Communigate Pro mail system. This section is optional and can be absent. However, this section is mandatory if Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers is integrated with the Communigate Pro mail system.

Please note that both [CgpReceiver] and [CgpSender] sections are mandatory if Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers interacts with the Communigate Pro mail system (otherwise, both sections can be absent).

[Milter] – contains settings of interaction with mail systems which use the Milter protocol. This section is optional and can be absent. However, this section is mandatory if Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers is integrated with any mail system which uses Milter protocol (for example, Sendmail or Postfix).

[Qmail] – contains settings of interaction with the Qmail mail system. This section is optional and can be absent. However, this section is mandatory if Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers is integrated with the Qmail mail system.

[IMAP] – contains settings of Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers operation as a proxy between mail system and mail clients that use the IMAP protocol. This section is optional and can be absent if Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers is not used as a proxy between mail system and mail clients that use the IMAP protocol.

[POP3] – contains settings of Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers operation as a proxy between mail system and mail clients that use the POP3 protocol. This section is optional and can be absent if Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers is not used as a proxy between mail system and mail clients that use the POP3 protocol.

In the configuration file, only sections that contain parameters of interaction between Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers and integrated MTA are mandatory. Sections with parameters of interaction with unused MTA are ignored, even if the sections are present. For details on using configuration file sections on integration with different mail systems, see MTA connections.

The following sections contain parameters of connection to different data sources (LDAP, relational DBs, text files):

[LDAP] – contains parameters of connections to of connection to LDAP data sources.

[Oracle] – contains parameters of connections to of connection to Oracle DBMS;

[ODBC] – contains parameters of connections to of connection to data sources via ODBC (if the corresponding ODBC driver is present).

[SQLite] – contains parameters of connections to of connection to SQLite DBMS.

[Firebird] – contains parameters of connections to of connection to Firebird DBMS.

[PostgreSQL] – contains parameters of connections to of connection to PostgreSQL DBMS.

[MySQL] – contains parameters of connections tottings of connection to MySQL DBMS.

[CDB] contains parameters of connections to of connection to the CDB textual database.

[Berkeley]contains parameters of connections to of connection to the Berkeley textual database.

Please note that these sections contain only common parameters used in Lookup and Storage by default. Some parameters can be locally overridden in a Lookup and Storage (if that is marked in their descriptions).

It is recommended to adjust each connection to a data source via native connection (if possible), as connection via ODBC works more slowly because of its universality.

In the configuration file, any sections with parameters of connection to data sources can be present. Only those sections are really used, that correspond to prefixes specified in Lookups and Storages. If parameters are not used, they cannot influence Dr.Web MailD operation, even if the section is present in the file.

Sections with proxy parameters:

[ProxyClient] – contains settings of an internal proxy client that provides interaction of Receiver and Sender with the MailD core main module).

[ProxyServer] – contains settings of an internal proxy server (MailD core module uses it for processing queries from internal proxy clients).


Please note that if a section is not present in the configuration file, parameters from these section have default values. These default values are specified in this manual in the description of each parameter.

It is strongly not recommended to add sections and parameters to the configuration file which was automatically generated upon product installation if the sections and parameters are described in the current document but absent in the file. This is due to the fact that the parameters are specific for a certain mail system and adjustment of their values after integration with another file system can prevent Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers from working correctly.