Lookup Usage Restrictions. LookupLite Type |
Sometimes it is impossible to use Lookup of certain types with the full set of prefixes (not all prefixes are allowed). In this case, a special Lookup type – LookupLite is used. LookupLite is a value type similar to Lookup, but you can specify only the following types of the Lookup: ovalue: (this is an optional prefix and can be absent for single value) ofile: LookupLite is used in: •settings of Lookups (e.g. SkipDomains parameter for each Lookup); •settings of plug-ins. At any attempt to specify a forbidden type of Lookup, the following message is output to the log: Wed Jun 10 14:02:20 2009 [4160149200] Modifier ERROR Error in init lookup [cdb:select * from /root/mail/base_file_for_CDB.txt where key='domain']: can't use this lookup here.