Dr.Web MailD Configuration Files

Main configuration file

Dr.Web MailD settings (including interaction between MTA and mail systems as well as usage of plug-ins for mail check) are specified in the %etc_dir/maild_<MTA>.conf configuration file.

For description of the configuration file structure and parameter types, see Configuration Files.

For description of the special parameter types used in Dr.Web MailD settings, see Special parameter types.

For description of the Lookup, LookupLite and Storage special types, see Lookup.

For the list of configuration file sections, see Sections of main configuration file.


Part of the <MTA> file name depends on the name of the MTA integrated with Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers.

Configuration files of plug-ins

Each plug-in uses its own configuration file. Configuration files of plug-ins are located in the same directory as the main Dr.Web MailD configuration file: %etc_dir. Configuration files of plug-ins are named according to the following pattern plugin<name>.conf, where <name> - name of the plug-in. For example, configuration file of Drweb plug-in has the following name: plugin_drweb.conf.

If required, you can configure each plug-in to use configuration files which names do not match the pattern. To do that, make the corresponding adjustments in the [Filters] section of the main Dr.Web MailD configuration file.