[ProxyClient] Section

In the [ProxyClient] section settings for drweb-proxy-client module (Proxy client component) are specified:

ProxyServersAddresses = {list of addresses}

List of socket addresses used by drweb-proxy-server components.

Addresses are specified as follows:


where ADDRESS has a basic address type, and WEIGHT is an optional numeric value in the range 0-100, defining a "weight" of this address. The WEIGHT value determines a relative work load on a certain host in the network. The greater the value, the greater the load on the server.

Mail received from the Receiver component working on the same host as drweb-proxy-client, is transmitted for scanning to the corresponding socket addresses.

There must be at least one valid server address specified. Addresses are selected according to the algorithm described in Using Internal Proxy.

Default value:

ProxyServersAddresses = inet:8088@SERVER-IP

Address = {list of addresses}

List of socket addresses used by Sender to receive send requests from drweb-proxy-server components.

drweb-proxy-server components send mail to these addresses according to the value set for the ProxyClientsAddresses parameter from the [ProxyServer] section.

Default value:

Address = inet:8066@

MailPoolOptions = {pool options}

Settings for a pool of threads processing requests from the Receiver component.

Thread pool processes requests from the Receiver component and sends messages to remote drweb-proxy-server components for check. According to the check results,  the message is either returned to Receiver or sent via the Sender component.

Default value:

MailPoolOptions = auto

SenderPoolOptions = {pool options}

Settings for a pool of threads processing requests from drweb-proxy-server components to send mail via the Sender component.

Before the message is transmitted to Sender, a temporary directory is created, where this message is stored. Sender returns operation results to the dwreb-proxy-server.

Default value:

SenderPoolOptions = auto