Schedule for sending reports.
The syntax is as follows:
•hour:minute:second[-period] – send a report at the specified time every day; •Nw/hour:minute:second[-period] – send a report at the specified time on the Nth day of week (0 – Sunday, 1 – Monday, 2 – Tuesday and so on); •Nm/hour:minute:second[-period] – send a report at the specified time on Nth day of month. If the period of time is specified (period), report includes data for this period, otherwise a report includes data for 24 hours.
SendTimes = 00:00:00-24h, 1w/00:00:00-7d, 2M/21:23:32-31d
In this case, three reports are sent: daily report at midnight, weekly report on Monday midnight and monthly report on the second day of each month at 21:23:32.