[Reports] Section

In the [Reports] section, parameters that configure creation and sending of plug-in activity reports are specified:

Send = {logical}

Enables or disables sending of reports.

Default value:

Send = Yes

SendTimes = {schedule}

Schedule for sending reports.

The syntax is as follows:

hour:minute:second[-period] – send a report at the specified time every day;

Nw/hour:minute:second[-period] send a report at the specified time on the Nth day of week (0 Sunday, 1 Monday, 2 Tuesday and so on);

Nm/hour:minute:second[-period] send a report at the specified time on Nth day of month.

If the period of time is specified (period), report includes data for this period, otherwise a report includes data for 24 hours.


SendTimes = 00:00:00-24h, 1w/00:00:00-7d, 2M/21:23:32-31d

In this case, three reports are sent: daily report at midnight, weekly report on Monday midnight and monthly report on the second day of each month at 21:23:32.

Default value:

SendTimes = 24h

Mail = {email address}

email addresses where reports are sent.

If the parameter value is not specified, email addresses defined in the AdminMail parameter value in the [Notifier] section are used. You can specify several email addresses separated by commas.

Please note that if the value of the Mail parameter is set, reports are not sent to the address specified in the AdminMail parameter.

Default value:

Mail =

Names = {list of plug-ins}

List of plug-ins, for which report is created. The plug-ins are separated by commas.

If this parameter value is not specified, report is created for plug-ins listed in the BeforeQueueFilter and AfterQueueFilter parameters in the [Filters] section .

Default value:

Names =

TopListSize = {numerical value}

Outputs to the report the lists of frequently blocked objects and addresses, from which maximum amount of blocked objects was sent.

The parameter value defines number of entries in each list. If the parameter value is set to 0, lists are not created. If the parameter value is set to -1, size of the lists is not limited.

Default value:

TopListSize = 20

MaxStoreInDbPeriod = {time}

Maximum period of time to store statistics in the reports database.

If the parameter value is set to 0, old entries are not deleted.

Note that this parameter is deprecated and is not used anymore.

Default value:

MaxStoreInDbPeriod = 31d

CheckForRemovePeriod = {time}

Period of time at the end of which old entries are deleted from the reports database.

Note that this parameter is deprecated and is not used anymore.

Default value:

CheckForRemovePeriod = 5m