Dr.Web Administrator Web Console

Operation of Dr.Web can be configured by means of the Dr.Web Administrator Web Console (see Figure 1).

Launching Dr.Web Administrator Web Console


For the correct operation of Dr.Web Administrator Web Console use one of the following browsers:

Internet Explorer 11

Google Chrome 49 or later

Microsoft Edge 20 or later

Latest version of Yandex.Browser


For correct operation of Dr.Web Administrator Web Console in Internet Explorer you need to additionally allow the use of the AJAX technology by disabling the enhanced security configuration for administrators:

In Windows Server 2008: open Server manager and click Configure IE ESC, then select the corresponding check box in the Administrators section.

In ОС Windows Server 2012: open Server manager, open the Local server tab and select IE Enhanced Security Configuration, then select the corresponding check box in the Administrators section.

To launch Dr.Web Administrator Web Console, in an internet browser open the following page:

https://<Exchange Server address>:2080/exchange,

where <Exchange Server address> is the IP address of the Exchange server.


To access to the web console page, you need to enter the administrator login and password. Administrator accounts can be added, edited or deleted by means of Dr.Web CMS Web Console.

On the first launch of the web console use the login root and the password drweb of the default administrator account.


If you cannot launch Dr.Web Administrator Web Console on the remote computer, make sure that required inbound Windows Firewall rules are created.

Figure 1. Dr.Web Administrator Web Console

Figure 1. Dr.Web Administrator Web Console


Dr.Web Administrator Web Console consists of two parts:

1.Console tree for navigation between different sections of the program settings.

2.Details pane, which represents the working area where the settings of the currently selected section are displayed and can be adjusted.

At the top of the details pane Dr.Web Administrator Web Console language changing option is located. You can select English or Russian language. An option which opens the help on the web console is located next to the language option.


Dr.Web Administrator Web Console has the following access levels:

with a possibility to change settings

without a possibility to change settings

You can specify the access level while adding a new administrator account.