Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite provides the centralized task schedule which is set by the anti-virus network administrator and complies with all the rules of configuration inheritance.
Task schedule—a list of actions performed automatically at a preset time on workstations. Schedules are mostly used to scan stations for viruses at a time most convenient for users, without having to launch the Scanner manually. Besides Dr.Web Agent allows to perform certain other types of tasks as described below.
To edit centralized schedule of regular tasks execution for certain stations and groups, use Dr.Web Security Control Center.

Users at station are not allowed to view and edit scheduled tasks of centralized schedule.
Results of tasks execution according to the centralized schedule are not stored into statistic data of the Agent but sent to the Server and stored in the Server statistic data.
To edit centralized schedule, perform the following actions:
1.Select the Anti-virus network item in the main menu of the Control Center, in the hierarchical list of the opened window, select a group or workstation. In the opened control menu, select Task Scheduler. The list with the tasks of the station will be opened.

By default for stations operated under Windows OS, schedule contains the Daily scan task—daily station scan (disabled).
2.To manage schedule, use the corresponding elements from the toolbar: a)General elements on the toolbar are used to create new tasks and generally manage schedule section. These tools always available on the toolbar. Create task—add a new task. This action is described in details below, in the Task Editor section.
Propagate these settings to another object—copy scheduled tasks into other objects—stations and groups. For details, see Propagation of Settings to Other Groups/Stations.
Export settings from this section to the file—export schedule to the file of special format.
Import settings to this section from the file—import schedule from the file of special format.
b)To manage existing tasks, set the flags for the necessary tasks or in the table header to select all task from the list. The elements on the toolbar to manage selected tasks become available:
Enable execution
Activate execution of selected tasks according to their schedule, if they were disabled.
Disable execution
Disable execution of selected tasks. Tasks remain on the list but will not be executed.

The same action you can perform from the task editor on the General tab by setting the Enable execution flag.
Make critical
Perform extra launch of the task at next Dr.Web Agent launch, if scheduled execution of this task has been omitted.
Make not critical
Execute the task only at scheduled time regardless of whether a task launch has been omitted or not.

The same action you can perform from the task editor on the General tab by setting the Critical task flag.
Duplicate settings
Duplicate tasks that are selected in the list of current schedule. When you run the Duplicate settings option, new tasks are created with settings similarly to the selected tasks.
Schedule repeatedly
For tasks which executed once: execute task one more time according to the specified time settings (changing execution multiplicity of the task is described below, in the Task Editor section).
Remove these settings
Remove selected task from the schedule.
3.To change task parameters, select it in the tasks list. The Task editor window described below opens. 4.After editing the schedule, click Save to accept changes.

If, when edited, the schedule is empty (without any tasks), Dr.Web Security Control Center will offer you to use either the schedule inherited from groups, or the empty schedule. Use empty schedule to override the schedule inherited from the groups.
Task Editor
In the Task Editor you can specify settings to:
1.Create a new task. For this click Create task on the toolbar.
2.Edit existing task. For this click the name of one of the tasks in the tasks list.
The window for editing a task opens. Settings for editing of existing task are similar to the settings of creating a new task.

Values of fields, marked with the * sign, must be obligatory specified.
To edit task settings
1.On the General tab you can set up the following parameters: •In the Name field, specify the name of the task displayed in the schedule list. •Set the Enable execution flag, to enable the task execution. If the flag is cleared, the task remains on the list but will not be executed.

The same action you can perform from the main window of the schedule via the Status option on the toolbar.
•Set the Critical task flag to perform extra launch of the task at next Dr.Web Agent launch, if scheduled execution of this task has been omitted (Dr.Web Agent is switched off at the due time). If at launch, the task was omitted several times, it will be executed only once.

The same action you can perform from the main window of the schedule via the Severity option on the toolbar.

If several scan tasks must be implemented, only one task will be executed—the first one in the queue.
For example, if Daily scan is enabled and critical scan via the Agent Scanner is omitted, only Daily scan will be executed and omitted critical task will not be done.
On the Action tab, in the Action drop-down list, select the type of the task and specify task parameters which are needed to perform the task:
Task type
Parameters and description
Write to log file
String—the text of the message to be added to the log file.
Run program
Specify the following settings:
•The Path field—full name (with the path) of the executable file to be launched. •The Arguments field— line parameters for the program to be run. •Set the Wait for the completion of the program flag to wait for the completion of the program which has been launched by this task. At this, the Agent logging the start of the program, the returned code and the time of the program end. If the Wait for the completion of the program flag is cleared, the task become completed right after the launch of the program and the Agent logging only the start of the program. |
Dr.Web Scanner. Complete scan
Parameters of scanning setup are described in the Configuring Scanner Settings.
Dr.Web Scanner. Custom scan
Dr.Web Scanner. Express scan

Remote launch of the Scanner is available only on stations under Windows OS, UNIX system-based OS and OS X.
3.On the Time tab: •In the Period drop-down list set the launch mode of the task and setup the time according to the specified periodicity:
Launch type
Specify the hour and the minute for the task to be launched at the time specified.
Every N minutes
The N value should be specified to set the time interval for the execution of the task.
At N equal 60 or more, the task will be run every N minutes. At N less than 60, the task will be run every minute of the hour multiple of N.
Specify a number from 0 to 59 to set the minute of every hour the task will be run.
Specify the day of the month, the hour and the minute for the task to be launched at the time specified.
N minutes after initial task
In the Initial task drop-down list, select the task relatively to which the time of current task execution is set.
In the Minute field, specify or select from the offered list the number of minutes that should pass after the execution of initial task to start execution of edited task.
The task will be launched at Agent start up.
No additional parameters required to run the task.
Select a day of the week, specify the hour and the minute, for the task to be launched at the time specified.
•Set the Disable after the first execution flag to execute the task only once at specified time. If the flag is cleared, the task will be executed multiple times according to the specified periodicity.
To repeat the launch of task already ones executed, use the Schedule repeatedly on the toolbar of the schedule section. •Set the Run the task by UTC flag to launch the task relatively the universal time (UTC+0 time zone). If the flag is cleared, the task will be launched by the local time on station. 4.When all parameters for the task are specified, click Save to accept changes of edited parameters, if you editing existing task, or to create a new task with specified parameters if you created a new task.