To edit users permissions via Dr.Web Security Control Center for administrating the anti-virus package
1.In the main menu, select Anti-virus network, then click the name of a workstation in the hierarchical list of the opened window. In the opened control menu, select Permissions. Permissions configuration window opens. 2.You can edit permissions on tabs that correspond to the workstation operating system. To change (allow or deny) any of permissions, set or clear the flag for this permission. 3.To edit permissions for stations under Windows, OS X, Linux and Android operating systems, use the following tabs: •Components—change permissions for components management. By default, a user is authorized to launch each component, but prohibited to edit components configuration or stop the operation of components. •General—to change permissions for Dr.Web Agent and its functions management: Setting stations permissions on the General tab
Permissions section flag
Flag actions
Result at the station if the flag is cleared
Stations under Windows OS
Run in mobile mode
Set the flag to allow users at the station to switch to mobile mode and use Dr.Web Global Update System for updating, if there is no connection with Dr.Web Server.
In the Agent settings, in the Main → Mode section, the Use Mobile mode when there is no connection with the server option is not available.
Change the run mode
Set the flag to allow users at the station to change the Agent run mode.
In the Agent settings, in the Main → Mode section, the following options are not available:
•Accept updates from the server, •Accept jobs from the server, •Accumulate events. |
Change Dr.Web Agent configuration
Set the flag to allow users at the station to change Dr.Web Agent settings.
In the Agent settings, in the Main section, the settings of the following options are not available:
•Notifications: all settings are not available. •Mode: the Server connection settings and the Synchronize system time with the server time flag are not available. •Self-Protection: the Block changing of system date and time, Block user activity emulation options are not available. •Advanced: in the Log section settings, the Dr.Web Update, Dr.Web Services, Create memory dumps at scan errors options are not available. |
Disable self-protection
Set the flag to allow users at the station to disable self-protection.
In the Agent settings, in the Main → Self-Protection the Enable self-protection option and the Enable hardware virtualization option are not available.
Uninstall Dr.Web Agent
Set the flag to allow users at the station to uninstall Dr.Web Agent.
Disables uninstalling of the Agent at the station either via the installer or via standard Windows OS services. In this case, Agent can be uninstalled only via the General → Uninstall Dr.Web Agent option on the toolbar of Dr.Web Security Control Center.
Stations under OS X
Run in mobile mode
Set the flag to allow users at the station to switch to mobile mode and use Dr.Web Global Update System for updating, if there is no connection with Dr.Web Server.
The Updates section in the application main window is blocked.
Stations under Linux system-based OS
Run in mobile mode
Set the flag to allow users at the station to switch to mobile mode and use Dr.Web Global Update System for updating, if there is no connection with Dr.Web Server.
For the console mode of the application: the drweb-ctl update command for updating the virus databases from the GUS is not available.
Stations under Android OS
Run in mobile mode
Set the flag to allow users of mobile devices to switch to mobile mode and use Dr.Web Global Update System for updating, if there is no connection with Dr.Web Server.
The Updates section on the application main screen is blocked.

After disabling an option that changes Agent settings, the value which has been set at the last time before disabling, will be used.
Actions for the corresponding menu options are described at the Dr.Web® for Windows. User manual documentation.
4.To use the same settings for another object, click Propagate these settings to another object. 5.To export settings to a file, click Export settings from this section to the file. 6.To import settings from a file, click Import settings to this section from the file. 7.To save permissions changes, click Save.

If you have edited a workstation, when it was not connected to the Server, the new settings will be accepted, once the Agent has reconnected to the Server.