Dr.Web Anti-virus for Windows Servers |
Dr.Web Anti-virus for Windows Servers protects RAM, hard drives, and removable media of computers running Microsoft® Windows® operating system against any kind of viruses, rootkits, Trojans, spyware, adware, hacktools, and all possible types of malicious objects from any external source. Dr.Web Anti-virus for Windows Servers architecture consists of several modules responsible for different functionalities. Scan engine and virus databases are common for all components and different platforms. Product components are constantly updated. New threat signatures are regularly added to the virus databases, databases of website categories and rules for email spam filtration. Constant update provides an up-to-date level of protection for users’ devices, applications and data. Heuristic analysis methods implemented in the scan engine ensure an additional protection against unknown malicious software. Dr.Web Anti-virus for Windows Servers can detect and remove unwanted programs: adware, dialers, jokes, riskware, and hacktools from your computer. To detect such programs and perform actions with the files contained in the programs, anti-virus components of Dr.Web are used. Each of Dr.Web anti-virus solutions for Microsoft® Windows® operating systems includes a set of the following components: Dr.Web Scanner—an anti-virus scanner with a graphical interface that launches on demand or as scheduled and scans your computer for viruses and other malicious software. Dr.Web Console Scanner—a command-line version of Dr.Web Scanner. SpIDer Guard—an on-access anti-virus scanner that constantly resides in memory while scanning processes and files on start or creation and instantly detecting any malicious activity |