License Manager |
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In graphical mode, License Manager allows to view information on the current license issued for the Dr.Web for Linux user. License data is stored in a license key file that provides operation of Dr.Web for Linux on the user computer. If neither license key file nor demo key file is found on the computer, all Dr.Web for Linux functions (including file check, file system monitoring, virus database update) are blocked. License Manager page is available in the Dr.Web for Linux graphical management interface. To open the page, on the Main page click License. If a demo key file or license key file for Dr.Web for Linux to use is installed, the License Manager start page displays license information including license number, license owner, and duration period. This information is retrieved from the corresponding key file. The figure below shows appearance of the License Manager page. Figure 35. License information page To delete a license key file, click To close a License Manager page, select another Main window page by clicking a corresponding button in the navigation pane. To activate a license via License Manager and obtain the corresponding key file providing functionality of Dr.Web for Linux (which includes purchasing a new license or renewing the current one) or to obtain a demo license, click Get new license. After that, the registration wizard opens. Note that the registration wizard also opens automatically when Dr.Web for Linux is first started after its installation. On the first step, you should choose an activation type. The following three types are available: 1.Activation of license or demo period using a serial number 2.Obtaining a demo period 3.Installation of a key file obtained earlier
1. Activation of License or Demo Period Using a Serial Number To activate a license or demo period, enter the serial number in the text field and click Activate. Figure 36. Registration using a serial number
Once you click the Activate button, connection to the Doctor Web registration server is established. If the serial number, which you specified on the first step, was obtained from the Doctor Web website and issued for a three month’s demo period, further steps are not required for its activation. If the specified serial number corresponds to the license for using the product on two computers, you need to select on how many computers you would like to use the product. If you select On two computers, you can activate the second serial number on another computer and receive another license key file. The registered licenses will have the same validity period (for example, one year). If you select On one computer, you should specify the second serial number from the purchased kit. In this case, you cannot register this serial number later on another computer (neither can you use a copy of the license key file resulting from sequential activation of the serial numbers), but the duration of the current license is doubled (for example, extended to two years if the license period is one year). Figure 37. Selecting the number of computers After you select the number of computers on which you would like to activate the license, click Next, and if you have selected On one computer, in the next wizard page specify the second serial number and then click Next. Figure 38. Specifying the second serial number from the kit In next step, you are prompted to receive a bonus and extend the license period for 150 days. To receive the bonus, select Specify the previous license. If you do not want to receive the bonus or do not have a previous license, select I do not have a previous license. Then click Next. Figure 39. The bonus prompt If in the first step you have specified a special renewal serial number, you will not be shown a bonus prompt in this step. Instead, you will be prompted to specify a previous license to avoid reducing the validity period of the renewal license by 150 days. If in this step you select I do not have a previous license, the validity period of the new license will be reduced by 150 days. Figure 40. License renewal If you have selected Specify the previous license, in the subsequent wizard page specify the previous license’s serial number or its key file. Figure 41. Specifying a previous license If you specify a license which is not expired, the new license period will be extended by the remaining period of the previous license. If you activate a license with two serial numbers, the available bonus will depend on the option you specified in the previous step. •On two computers, and this computer is the first one. To enable the bonus of 150 days for the first computer, specify the previous license issued for this computer (if any). Do not specify the second serial number here. •On two computers, and this computer is the second one. To enable the bonus of 150 days for the second computer, specify the previous license issued for this computer (if any). Do not specify the first serial number here. •On one computer. In this case, not only the duration of the purchased licensed is doubled, but also the license period is extended for 150 days. Moreover, if you specify the previous license issued for the second computer, the doubled period of the new license will be extended by another 150 days (and by the remaining period of the previous license). To specify the previous license, you can either enter its serial number in the corresponding box or specify its key file. To do so, select a corresponding option in a combo box, which is placed on the left of the edit box. To specify the key file, do one of the following: •Specify the file path in the entry filed •Specify the file via the standard file chooser by clicking the Browse button. •Drag and drop the file from the file manager window to the window of the Registration wizard
To continue the registration, click Next. On the next step, specify registration data including the following: •Registration name •Your region (country), which is selected from the list •Correct email address All registration form fields are mandatory. Figure 42. User information page After all fields are filled in correctly, click the Finish button to establish a server connection and obtain a license key file. If necessary, you can use the license key file on another computer after you remove it from this computer. If you would like to activate a demo period that provides full functionality of Dr.Web for Linux components for a period of 30 days, in the first step of activation click the link Activate your 30-day demo period.
3. Installation of a Key File Obtained Earlier If you already have a valid license and the related key file (for example, obtained from Doctor Web or Doctor Web partners via email), you can activate Dr.Web for Linux by installing this key file. For that purpose, click Other activation types in the first step and specify the key file path in the displayed box. Figure 43. Activation via key file To specify the key file, you may: •Specify the file path in the entry filed •Specify the file via the standard file chooser by clicking the Browse button. •Drag and drop the file from the file manager window to the window of the Registration wizard
After you specify the key file path (or the path to the archive containing the key file), click Finish to install the key file automatically. If required, the key file is automatically unpacked and copied to the directory with Dr.Web for Linux files. An Internet connection is not required. After the activation procedure completes (regardless of the selected activation type), the final page of the wizard with the corresponding notification displays. Click OK to exit the wizard and open the Main page of the Dr.Web for Linux. Figure 44. Successful activation notification If an error occurs on any step of the procedure, a page with the corresponding notification and short error description is displayed. The figure below shows an example of such a page. Figure 45. Error message If an error occurs, you can return to the previous step and make corrections (for example, correct the serial number or specify the correct file path). To return to the previous step, click Back. If the error is caused due to a temporary problem (for example, temporary network failure), you can attempt to retry the operation by clicking Retry. If necessary, you can click Close to cancel the registration and exit the wizard. In this case, you need to retry the registration procedure later. If the wizard cannot establish a connection to the Doctor Web registration server to verify the serial number, the following page is displayed. Figure 46. Registration server connection error If the error has occurred because your computer cannot use a direct Internet connection, but you use a proxy server to access the Internet, click the link Proxy Server Settings to open the window containing proxy server settings: Figure 47. Proxy server settings Specify the proxy server settings and click OK. After that click Retry.
If necessary (for example, if you decided to use Dr.Web for Linux on another computer), you can delete an installed license key file that manages Dr.Web for Linux operation. For that purpose, open the page with license information (the start page of License manager) and click After that, confirm deletion of the license key file in the appeared window by clicking Yes. If you want to cancel the deletion, click No. Figure 48. Confirmation dialog before deleting a license key file
After a license key file is deleted, all anti-virus functions of Dr.Web for Linux (file scanning, updating of databases and anti-virus engine, file system monitoring) are blocked until a new license or demo period is activated. |