
All program modules constantly residing in memory support processing of the following signals:

SIGHUP – forces modules to reread their configuration files. When Dr.Web Monitor receives this signal, it makes all the running components reread their configuration.

SIGINT and SIGTERM – upon receiving any of these signals, modules finish their operation.

Some modules can process additional signals:

Upon the receipt of SIGUSR2 signal, Sender component, makes an attempt to send all messages from the internal queue.

Upon the receipt of SIGUSR1 signal, drweb-receiver module saves statistics on SMTP restrictions to the restriction.txt file.

Upon the receipt of SIGUSR1 signal, all components save files with statistics on operation of dynamic thread pools and persistent connections.

Files with statistics are saved to the directory specified in the BaseDir parameter from the [General] section of Dr.Web MailD configuration file. Statistics on operation of dynamic thread pools is logged if the Debug verbosity level is specified. Thus, if the specified verbosity level is less detailed than Debug, statistics is not logged.

For details on Dr.Web MailD internal statistics format, see Internal Statistics section.


Please note that not all parameters can change their values upon receipt of SIGHUP signal (that is, if you change values of these parameters and send SIGHUP signal to Dr.Web MailD modules, changes will not be applied). That is designated in the description of such parameters. If it is necessary to change their values, restart Dr.Web MailD.

Also note that both Dr.Web Monitor component and Dr.Web Agent component do not support processing of SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 signals. Upon receipt of these signals, the components terminate.