Dr.Web Agent

Dr.Web Agent is a resident module used to manage settings of Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers modules, define anti-virus policy depending on available licenses and collect virus statistics. Statistics, depending on Dr.Web Agent operational mode, is sent with the predetermined frequency either to the public server of the company or to the central protection server that works under Dr.Web Agent. When Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers modules are started or settings are changed, Dr.Web Agent sends all necessary configuration to these modules.


Note that drweb-agent can operate in enterprise mode only with Dr.Web ESS 6. If you want to ensure connection to the central protection server Dr.Web ESS 10, install and configure the new agent version, implemented as drweb-agent10 module. For details on how to install and configure drweb-agent10, refer to the Migration to Dr.Web ESS 10 section.

Dr.Web Agent can interact with other modules through exchanging control signals.

Since all Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers components (except for Dr.Web Monitor) receive their configuration via drweb-agent module, it must be run before all these modules, but after the drweb-monitor module.

Please note that when several parameters with the same name are specified in the configuration file, Dr.Web Agent unites them in one comma delimited string. You can also use a backslash symbol "\" to define parameter value in several lines. New line after backslash is added to the previous line when Dr.Web Agent is reading configuration. Note that using of a space character after a slash is not allowed.

It can be convenient to set mail processing rules in the Dr.Web MailD configuration file: instead of writing one big rule, you can split it into several separate rules.


GlobalRules = select message, append_html "lookup:file:/maild-files/somehtml.html"

This rule can also be specified in the following way:

GlobalRules = select message
GlobalRules = append_html "lookup:file:/maild-files/somehtml.html"

(see description of Dr.Web Modifier rules format).

Please note that splitting of a line into several parts with backslashes allows you to insert comments which are ignored by the rule parser when reading configuration.


to:user@host cont \
modifier/LocalRules=select mime.headers "X-Spam-Level" "\\*\\*\\*", \
# 3 and more asterisks <- this is a comment (is ignored)
if found,\
select mime.headers Subject ".*",\
replace "[SPAM]" "^",\

(for details on the rule format, see the [Rules] section description).