Configuring Dr.Web MailD

If the suite is started using Dr. Web Monitor component, drweb-milter module must be started as a Receiver component. For that, in the %etc_dir/monitor/maild_postfix.mmc file uncomment the string which is responsible for startup of drweb-milter module. It is also recommended to comment the string which is responsible for startup of drweb-receiver module. As a result, drweb_postfix.mmc contains strings similar to the following ones:

# drweb-receiver local:%var_dir/ipc/.agent 15 30 MAIL drweb:drweb
drweb-milter local:%var_dir/ipc/.agent 15 30 MAIL drweb:drweb

In is also required to configure operation of drweb-sender module. Specify the following parameters in the [Sender] section of the Dr.Web MailD configuration file:

Address = /usr/local/sbin/sendmail
Method = pipe
MailerName = postfix

In the Address parameter, you can set the path to the sendmail program from Postfix package.

Once all the required parameters are specified, you must start/restart Dr.Web MailD at first, and then start/restart Postfix.

All settings that configure operation of drweb-milter with Sender and Receiver components are collected in the [Receiver], [Sender] and [Milter] sections of the Dr.Web MailD configuration file and are described in the following sections of the current Manual: [Receiver] section, [Sender] section and [Milter] section.

When Dr.Web MailD is working with Postfix mail system, the following modules must be running in the system (this is specified in mmc file of Dr.Web Monitor):



