Interaction with Suite Components |
Interaction with other suite components is performed with the use of Dr.Web Monitor meta-configuration files (mmc files). These files are included in packages of those products which can interact with Dr.Web Monitor and reside in reside in the directory specified in the MetaConfDir parameter (by default - %etc_dir/monitor). The files contain information on component composition, location of binary files, their launch order and startup options. Usually, one file contains information on one component and name of the file matches to the name of the Dr.Web for UNIX mail servers component. Each component is described in the Application section with the corresponding name. At the end of the section, EndApplication must be specified. The following parameters must be present in the component description: •FullName – full name of the component. •Path – path to the binary files. •Depends – names of the components which must be started before the described component. For example, AGENT component must be started before Dr.Web Daemon, therefore in the mmc file for Dr.Web Daemon Depends parameter has the AGENT value. If there are no dependencies, this parameter can be skipped. •Components – list of binary files of modules started together with the component. Modules are started in the same order as they are specified in this parameter. For each module the following information must be specified (space separated): command line parameters (can be enclosed in quotation marks), timeouts for startup and stop (StartTimeout and StopTimeout), notification type and startup privileges. Notification type – defines where notifications on component failure are sent. When MAIL value is specified, notifications are sent by mail, when LOG value is specified, information is only logged to the file. Startup privileges – defines a group and a user, whose privileges are used by the component. Example of mmc file for Dr.Web Daemon:
Example of mmc file for Dr.Web MailD: