Uninstalling Dr.Web Agent and Anti-Virus Package Remotely

Remote installation and deinstallation of the Agent software is possible within a local network only and requires administrator’s rights in the local network.

If you uninstall the Agent and anti-virus package via the Control Center, the Quarantine will not be deleted from the station.
To uninstall the anti-virus software from a workstation (for Windows OS only)
1.Select the Anti-virus network item in the main menu of Dr.Web Security Control Center. 2.In the opened window, select the necessary group or specific anti-virus stations. 3.Click General → Uninstall Dr.Web Agent in the anti-virus network tree toolbar. 4.In the opened Dr.Web Agent uninstallation window, you can select one of the options for automatic restart once the Agent is removed on selected stations, if necessary: •Immediately after uninstallation prescribes for a station to restart 5 minutes after the Agent is removed. •At a specified hour allows you to set a specific time for station restart, in increments of 1 hour. •Within a specified period lets you set a time period for station restart to happen. If any of the restart options is selected, the station user will get a timely pop-up notification from the Agent.
Restart option
User notification
Not selected
A station is not restarted after the Agent is removed. No notification is shown.
Immediately after uninstallation
The notification is shown 5 minutes before the restart, stating the exact time when the station will restart.
At a specified hour
•First notification The notification is shown immediately after the Agent is removed. The message contains the exact time of the scheduled restart.
•Second notification The notification is shown 5 minutes before the restart, stating the exact time when the station will restart.
•If the station could not be reached at the specified hour The notification is shown 15 minutes after re-establishing connection with the station. The message notifies of the upcoming restart in the next 5 minutes, stating the exact time.
Within a specified period
•First notification The notification is shown immediately after the Agent is removed. The message contains the exact time of the scheduled restart within the specified period.
•Second notification The notification is shown 5 minutes before the restart, stating the exact time when the station will restart.
•If the station could not be reached within the specified period The notification is shown 15 minutes after re-establishing connection with the station. The message notifies of the upcoming restart on the next day, stating the exact time within the specified period.
5.The Agent software and the anti-virus package will be removed from the workstations selected.

In case Agent removal is instructed when there is no connection between Dr.Web Server and the anti-virus workstation, the Agent software will be uninstalled from the selected computer once the connection is recovered.
Uninstalling Dr.Web Agent and Anti-Virus Package Locally

To remove the Agent and the anti-virus package locally, this option must be allowed at Dr.Web Server in the Permissions section (see Administrator manual, p. Permissions of Station Users).
You can remove the station anti-virus software (Agent and anti-virus package) by the two ways:
1.By means of standard Windows OS services. 2.By using the Agent installer.

If the Agent and anti-virus package are uninstalled via the standard Windows OS services or via the Agent installer, user will be prompt for Quarantine deleting.
Removing by Means of Standard Windows OS Services

This removing method will be available only if you installed the Agent by using the graphical installer and set the Register Dr.Web Agent in the system list of installed software flag.
If the Agent installed in the background mode of the installer, the removing of the anti-virus software with the standard Windows OS services will be available only if the /regagent yes switch was used for installation.
To remove the Agent and the anti-virus package, use standard Windows OS tools: the Add or Remove Programs element in Control Panel (see the Agent User Manual for details).
Removing by Using the Agent Installer
•Client module win-ess-agent-setup.exe To remove the Agent software and the anti-virus package by using the client module which is created during the Agent setup, run the win-ess-agent-setup.exe installation file with the /instMode remove parameter. Additionally use the /silent no parameter, if you want to control the process.
The win-ess-agent-setup.exe installation file is located in the following folder by default:
▫For Windows XP OS and Windows Server 2003 OS:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Doctor Web\Setup\ ▫For Windows Vista OS and later and Windows Server 2008 OS and later:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Doctor Web\Setup\ For example, for Windows 7, where %ALLUSERPROFILE% corresponds to С:\ProgramData:
C:\ProgramData\Doctor Web\Setup\win-ess-agent-setup.exe /instMode remove /silent no
•Personal installation package drweb_ess_<OS>_<station>.exe To remove the Agent software and the anti-virus package by using the installation package, run the drweb_ess_<OS>_<station>.exe installation file of the currently installed version.
•Full installer drweb-13.00.0-<build>-esuite-agent-full-windows.exe To remove the Agent software and the anti-virus package by using the full installer, run the drweb-13.00.0-<build>-esuite-agent-full-windows.exe installation file of the currently installed version.
•Network installer drwinst.exe To remove the Agent software and the anti-virus package from a workstation locally by using the network installer, run in the installation folder of the Agent (by default C:\Program Files\DrWeb) the drwinst.exe installer with the /instMode remove parameter. Additionally use the /silent no parameter, if you want to control the process.
For example:
drwinst /instMode remove /silent no

When you launch the drweb_ess_<OS>_<station>.exe installation package, the drweb-13.00.0-<build>-esuite-agent-full-windows.exe full installer or the drwinst.exe network installer, the win-ess-agent-setup.exe client module launches and performs the removal directly.
The win-ess-agent-setup.exe client module launched without parameters, detects installed product and launches the change/remove mode. To launch the remove mode directly, use the /instMode remove switch.