Real Time Log

Real time log allows to view the list of events and changes related with the Dr.Web Server operation that are displayed at the moment of an event appearance.


Real time log displays information in the Control Center only and does not write events into a file. Dr.Web Server log file is kept separately with its own settings and does not depend on the real time log and its settings.


When you leave this section, all information displayed in the real time log, is deleted.

The log table contains the following data:

No. — sequence number of an entry. The number is assigned in a sequence matching the order in which messages are coming from Dr.Web Server.

Time in log format—event appearance time represented in Dr.Web Server log file. It can be used for searching the event in the Dr.Web Server log file.

Time—event appearance time represented in human readable form.

Level—log level according to which an event appeared.

PID—process identifier within which an event occurred.

TID—thread identifier within which an event occurred.

Thread—thread name within which an event occurred.

Subsystem—subsystem name within which an event occurred.

Message—message text about an event occurred. Click a message in the table to open the window with the full message text. If the texts is an HTML code, set the Format as HTML flag to display information properly. Please note, if the text contains JavaScript, it will be executed.

To edit the data view in the table

Using the icon-settings-table icon:

Specify rows display settings (most relevant for long strings).

Select the columns to display in the table.

Using the icon-filter-tables icon:

Specify the arbitrary string to search by all sections of the table. The table will contain only rows that correspond to the search results.

To display only specific levels, set the flags next to the necessary levels.

To display only specific subsystems, set the flags next to the necessary subsystems.

To write messages to the log only with specific levels and from specific subsystems, specify the log settings.

The toolbar contains the following options to manage the log:

icon-log-settings Set up data display—open the log settings window.

icon-log-refresh Clear the table—delete all the data shown in the table. You cannot undone this operation.

icon-log-stop Stop data collection—stop displaying information on events in the table. The button is active when the data is collecting. On click, changes to icon-log-start Start data collection.

icon-log-start Start data collection—start displaying information on events in the table. The button is active when the data is not collecting. On click, changes to icon-log-stop Stop data collection.

Configuring Real Time Log

1.On the toolbar, click icon-log-settings Set up data display. The Data display settings window opens.

2.The Maximum number of records field sets the limitation on the number of records displayed in the log table. When the specified number is reached, old records are deleted when new ones are received.

3.The Refresh rate, sec. field defines the rate in seconds according to which new records will be displayed in the log.

4.The Subsystem search field allows to search by subsystem name given below. It can be used if you want to specify the log level of detail for specific subsystem in the case of a large number of subsystems in the list.

5.Subsystems table allows to configure the list of displayed data and their detail level:

a)Set the flags next to the subsystems whose messages will be displayed in the table.

b)For the selected subsystems, select the log level of detail.

c)To show all subsystems, set the flag in the table header.

d)To set the same log level of detail for all subsystems, select the value in the drop-down list next to the all subsystem. At this, the table will display only messages for subsystems with the set flags.

6.Click Apply to start displaying data according to the specified settings.

7.Click icon-close Close to close the window without saving changes in the log display settings.