Repository State

To view the repository state or update anti-virus network components

1.Select the Administration item in the main menu of the Control Center and click Repository state in the control menu of the opened window.

2.In the open window, you can view the list of products in the repository, date of currently used revision, date of the last downloaded revision, and products state.


The State column displays the state of the products in the Server repository at the time of last update.

3.To manage the repository contents, use the following buttons:

Click the Check for updates button to check whether updates to all of the products are available on the GUS servers. If the checked component is outdated, it will be updated automatically during the check.

To save the log of repository updates, click one of the following buttons on the toolbar:

icon-export-csv Save data in CSV file,

icon-export-html Save data in HTML file,

icon-export-xml Save data in XML file,

icon-export-pdf Save data in PDF file.

Click icon-repository-reload_blue Reload repository from disk, to reload the current version of the repository from disk.

On startup, Server loads the repository contents to the memory. If during Server operation the administrator changed the contents bypassing Control Center, e.g, when updating the repository using an external utility or manually, reload the repository to enable the use of its downloaded version.