Administration of Dr.Web Server Repository |
The repository of Dr.Web Server is designed to store benchmark copies of the anti-virus software and update them from GUS servers. The repository deals with sets of files called products. Each product resides in a separate subfolder of the var/repository Server folder. The functions of the repository and their management are made separately for each product. To administrate the updating in the repository product revisions are used. A revision is a correct state of product files at a certain time (including file names and checksums) and has its unique number. The repository synchronizes revisions of products as follows: a)to Dr.Web Server from the product update site b)between different Dr.Web Servers in a multi-server configuration according to a specified synchronization policy c)from Dr.Web Server to workstations. The repository allows to set up the following parameters: •the list of product update sites in a) operations •restrictions to the number of products requiring synchronization of a) type (thus, a user is enabled to track only necessary changes of certain files or categories of files) •restrictions to product components requiring synchronization of c) type (a user can choose what should be installed on the workstation) •control of switching to new revisions (independent testing of products before installation is possible) •adding one's own components to products •independent creation of new products which will be synchronized too. Currently, the following products are provided: •Dr.Web Server •Dr.Web Agent (the Agent software, the anti-virus software for workstations under corresponding operation systems) •Dr.Web Proxy server •Dr.Web Updater •Dr.Web virus databases •SpIDer Gate bases •Dr.Web Anti-spam bases •Doctor Web company news. |