General Repository Configuration

In the General repository configuration section, you can specify parameters for connection to GUS and for updating repositories of all products.

To edit repository configuration

1.Select the Administration item in the main menu of the Control Center.

2.In the opened window, select the General repository configuration item in the control menu.

3.Configure all necessary parameters for updating from the GUS as described below.

4.If during parameters editing you need to discard all changes, use the following buttons on the toolbar:

icon-settings-restore-initial Reset all parameters to initial values—restore the values that all parameters in this section had before current editing. To apply the similar action to a certain parameter value, use the icon-setting-restore-initial button next to each parameter.

icon-settings-restore-default Reset all parameters to default values—restore all parameters from this section to their defaults, specified in the Server configuration file. To apply the similar action to a certain parameter value, use the icon-setting-restore-default button next to this parameter.

5.Click Save to save all changes into repository configuration files. At that, the current version of the repository is reloaded from the disk.


It takes some time to apply the new settings of repository configuration. At immediate update of the repository from GUS once the configuration is changed, the previous settings can be used.

Dr.Web GUS

On the Dr.Web GUS tab, you can configure parameters for connection to Dr.Web Global Update System.

To edit GUS connection settings, use the following options:

In the Update receiving protocol drop-down list, select the protocol type to receive updates from update servers. For all protocols, updates are downloaded according to the settings from the Dr.Web Global Update System Servers List section.

In the Base URI field, specify the GUS servers folder where updates of Dr.Web products are located. For updating from Dr.Web GUS servers, do not change this setting without necessity.

If in the Update receiving protocol list, you have selected one of the secure protocols that support encrypting, then in the Allowed certificates drop-down list, select the type of TLS certificates that will be automatically accepted for the connection established by the selected protocol.

If in the Allowed certificates list, you have selected the User-defined option, then specify the path to the file with your TLS certificate in the Certificate field.

Login—user login to authenticate on updates server, if the updates server requires authorisation. Also, this login is used for SSH authentication on updates server By registration data.

Password—user password to authenticate on updates server, if the updates server requires authorisation. Also, this password is used for SSH authentication on updates server By registration data.

In theAuthorization method drop-down list, select the authorization method on an update server.

The Number of temporary stored revisions field specifies the number of revisions for each product temporary stored on disk not including revisions which are marked on the Revisions list tab, in the Detailed repository configuration section.

If necessary, you can configure this setting separately for each product in the Detailed Repository Configuration section, but after the changes in the general configuration are saved, the setting will be changed to the general value.

Set the Use CDN flag to allow receiving updates from GUS via Content Delivery Network.

If necessary, edit the list of GUS servers from which the repository is updated, in the Dr.Web Global Update System Servers List section:

To add a GUS server to the list of servers used for updates, click icon-item-add and specify the address of the GUS server in the appeared field.

To remove a GUS server from the list of used, click icon-item-remove next to the server which you want to delete.

GUS servers are listed in the order Dr.Web Server contacts them when updating the repository. To change the order of GUS servers, move a server as necessary by dragging the left root line of the server.

After installation of Dr.Web Server, the list contains only update servers of the Doctor Web company. If necessary, you can setup your own update zones and include them into the list of servers to receive updates.

Task Scheduler

On the Task Scheduler tab, you can view all tasks on the repository update from Dr.Web Server schedule.

To edit specific update task, click the line of this task. The Dr.Web Server Task Scheduler sections will be opened.


Creating, removing and editing tasks on repository update is performed in the Dr.Web Server Task Scheduler section.

Dr.Web Agent for UNIX

On the Dr.Web Agent for UNIX tab, select UNIX system-based OS for which you want to update the components that are installed on workstations.


To disable all updates receiving from GUS for Agent for UNIX, open the Detailed repository configuration section, the Dr.Web Agent for UNIX item, and on the Synchronization tab, set the Disable product update flag.

Dr.Web Agent for Windows

On the Dr.Web Agent for Windows tab, in the group of selection buttons, specify whether you want to update all components that will be installed on stations under Windows OS or update only virus databases.

On the Dr.Web Agent for Windows languages tab, specify languages for the Agent and the anti-virus package interface of Windows OS, which will be downloaded from the GUS.

Dr.Web Server

On the Dr.Web Server tab, specify OS for which you want to update Server files:

To receive updates for Servers under all supported OS, set the Update all platforms available on GUS flag.

To receive updates for Server under certain OS, set only flags located next to their names.


To disable all updates receiving from GUS for the Server, open the Detailed repository configuration section, the Dr.Web Server item, and on the Synchronization tab, set the Disable product update flag.

On the Doctor Web News tab, specify a list of languages for the news feed.

You can configure subscription settings on news lines at the Preferences → Subscription section.

You can read news of Doctor Web company in the main menu of the Control Center, in the icon-help Support → News section.

On the Dr.Web Security Control Center languages tab, specify the list of languages for Control Center interface to download from GUS.