H9. Proxy Server

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To configure some of the Proxy server parameters, run with corresponding switches the drwcsd-proxy executable file, which resides in:

For Windows OS: Proxy server installation folder.

For UNIX system-based OS: bin subfolder of the Proxy server installation folder.

The start instruction format

drwcsd-proxy <switches>

Allowed switches

--help—show help message on switches for Proxy server setting.

--daemon—for UNIX system-based OS only: run the Proxy server as daemon.

--control <arg>—for Windows OS only: specify parameters for service configuration.

Allowed parameters:

run—(by default) run the Proxy server in a background mode as a Windows OS service.

install—install the Proxy server.

uninstall—uninstall the Proxy server.

--cfg <path>—path to the Proxy server configuration file.

--pool-size <N>—pool size for clients connections. Default is 2.

--trace—enable detailed logging of Proxy server calls. Available only if the Proxy server supports calls stack tracing.

--use-console-log—write Proxy server log to console.

--use-file-log <file>—write Proxy server log to a file, where the <file> is a path to log file.

--rotate=<N><f>,<M><u>—Proxy server log rotation mode, where:




Total number of log files (including current and archive).


Log files storing format, possible values:

z (gzip)—compress files, used by default,

p (plain)—do not compress files.


Log file size or rotation time, depending on the <u> value;


Unit measure, possible values:

to set rotation by log file size:




to set rotation by time:




If rotation by time is set, synchronisation performs independently on command launch time: the H value means synchronisation with the beginning of an hour, D—with beginning of a day, W—with beginning of a week (00:00 on Monday) according to the multiplicity specified in the <u> parameter.

Initial reference point—January 01, year 01 AD, UTC+0.

By default, it is 10,10m, which means storing of 10 files 10 megabytes each, use compression.

--verbosity=<details_level>—log level of detail. TRACE3 is by default. Allowed values are: ALL, DEBUG3, DEBUG2, DEBUG1, DEBUG, TRACE3, TRACE2, TRACE1, TRACE, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, CRIT. The ALL and DEBUG3 values are synonyms.

All switches for setting Proxy server parameters can be set simultaneously.


Writing log to the file and to the console simultaneously is not supported. Meanwhile:

If none of switches is specified, log is written to the console.

If both of switches are specified, log is written to the file.