G4. Proxy Server Configuration File |
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The drwcsd-proxy.xml configuration file of the Proxy server is presented in the XML format and located in the following folder: •Windows OS: C:\ProgramData\Doctor Web\drwcsd-proxy\ •Linux OS and Solaris OS: /var/opt/drwcs/etc •FreeBSD OS: /var/drwcs/etc The <listen /> element The <drwcsd-proxy /> root element contains one or several obligatory <listen /> elements which define basic settings of the Proxy Server for receiving connections. The <listen /> element contains one obligatory attribute spec, attributes of which define an interface to "listen" incoming client connections and whether the discovery mode is enabled on this interface. The spec attribute contains following properties: •protocol—type of the protocol for receiving incoming connections. Address which the Proxy server listens is set as an attribute. •port—port which the Proxy server listens. •imitation mode—the mode of Server imitation. Allows detection of the Proxy server as Dr.Web Server by the Network scanner. •multicast mode—network "listening" mode for receiving multicast requests by the Proxy server. •multicast group—multicast group where the Proxy server is located. Properties values of the spec attribute and their parameters are specified in the table below. Properties of the spec element
The spec attribute contains one obligatory protocol property and three non-obligatory properties, which are: port, imitation mode and multicast. Depending on value of the protocol property, the list of non-obligatory properties in the spec attribute may vary. The table below contains the list of non-obligatory properties, which can be set (+) or cannot be set (-) in the spec attribute, depending on value of the protocol parameter. Presence of non-obligatory properties in dependence of the value of protocol parameter
The <compression /> element defines traffic compression parameters: •If the <compression /> element is a child of the <forward /> element, it defines compression parameters for the Server—Proxy server channel. •If the <compression /> element is a child of the <listen /> element, it defines compression parameters for the client—Proxy server channel. Attributes of the <compression /> element
The <forward /> element Redirection of incoming connections is adjusted via the <forward /> element which is a child element of <listen />. The <forward /> element contains one or more obligatory to attributes those values define addresses of Dr.Web Servers where the connection should be redirected. An address of Dr.Web Server is specified according to the The Specification of Network Addresses, in particular, in the following format: tcp/<DNS_name>:<port>. The <forward /> element is obligatory. Each <listen /> element can contain several <forward /> elements. The forwarding algorithm for the list of Dr.Web Servers 1.Proxy server loads to RAM the list of Dr.Web Servers from the drwcsd-proxy.xml configuration file. 2.Dr.Web Agent connects to the Proxy server. 3.Proxy server forwards Dr.Web Agent to the first Server from Dr.Web Servers list loaded in the RAM. 4.Proxy server rotate the list in the RAM and moves Dr.Web Server from the first position to the end of list.
5.When the next Agent connects to the Proxy server, procedure is repeated from the step 2. 6.If Dr.Web Server disconnects from the anti-virus network (e.g., gets offline or denies of service), the Agent connects to the Proxy server repeatedly and procedure is repeated from the step 2. The <cache /> element The <drwcsd-proxy /> root element may contain non-obligatory <cache /> element which defines settings of Proxy server repository cache. Attributes of the <cache /> element
Elements <cache />
The <core-dump /> element The <drwcsd-proxy /> root element may contain the <core-dump /> element in which you can specify collecting mode and number of memory dumps in case of SEH exception occurs.
Dump is written to the following folder: %All Users\Application Data%\Doctor Web\drwcsd-proxy-dump\ Attributes of the <core-dump /> element
Example of drwcsd-proxy.xml configuration file