Dr.Web Updater Command Line Switches

Common options:



-h [ --help ]

Show this message.

-v [ --verbosity ] arg

Log level. Can be one of following: error, info, debug.

-d [ --data-dir ] arg

Directory where repository and settings are located.

--log-dir arg

Directory for storing log file.

--log-file arg (=dwupdater.log)

Log file name.

-r [ --repo-dir ] arg

Repository directory, (<data_dir>/repo by default).

-t [ --trace ]

Enable tracing.

-c [ --command ] arg (=update)

Command to execute: getversions, getcomponents, getrevisions, init, update, uninstall, exec, download and keyupdate.

-z [ --zone ] arg

List of the zones that should be used instead of specified in configuration file.


init command parameters:



-s [ --version ] arg

Version name.

-p [ --product ] arg

Product name.

-a [ --path ] arg

Product directory path. This directory will be used as default directory for all components included in product. Dr.Web Updater will search for a key file in this directory.

-n [ --component ] arg

Component name and installation folder. <Name>, <install path>.

-u [ --user ] arg

Username for proxy server.

-k [ --password ] arg

Password for proxy server.

-g [ --proxy ] arg

Proxy-server for updating. <Address>:<port>

-e [ --exclude ] arg

Component name that will be excluded from product during installation.


update command parameters:



-p [ --product ] arg

Product name. If specified, only this product will be updated. If nothing is specified, all products will be updated. If components are specified, only these components will be updated.

-n [ --component ] arg

Components that should be updated to specified version. <Name> , <target revision>.

-x [ --selfrestart ] arg (=yes)

Reboot after updating of Dr.Web Updater. Default value is yes. If value is set to no, reboot required notification will appear


Attempt to get list of IP-addresses from update.drweb.com before updating.

--type arg (=normal)

One of the following:

reset-all –  reset revision to 0 for all components
reset-failed – reset revision to 0 for failed components
normal-failed – try to update all components including failed from current revision to newest or specified
update-revision – try to update all components of current revision to newest if exists
normal – update all components

-g [ --proxy ] arg

Proxy-server for updating. <Address>:<port>

-u [ --user ] arg

Username for proxy server.

-k [ --password ] arg

Password for proxy server.

--param arg

Pass additional parameters to the script. <Name>: <value>.

-l [ --progress-to-console ]

Print information about downloading and script execution to console.


exec command parameters:



-s [ --script ] arg

Execute this script.

-f [ --func ] arg

If specified execute this function in the script.

-p [ --param ] arg

Pass additional parameters to the script. <Name>: <value>.

-l [ --progress-to-console ]

Print information about script execution to console.


getcomponents command parameters:



-s [ --version ] arg

Version name.

-p [ --product ] arg

Specify product to get the list of components that belong to this product. If product is not specified, all components of this version will be listed.


getrevisions command parameters:



-s [ --version ] arg

Version name.

-n [ --component ] arg

Component name.



uninstall command parameters:



-n [ --component ] arg

Name of the component that should be uninstalled.

-l [ --progress-to-console ]

Print information about command execution to console.

--param arg

Pass additional parameters to the script. <Name>: <value>.

-e [ --add-to-exclude ]

Components to be deleted. Updating of this components will not be performed.


keyupdate command parameters:



-m [ --md5 ] arg

MD5 hash of previous key file.

-o [ --output ] arg

Output file name to store new key.

-b [ --backup ]

Backup of old key file if exists.

-g [ --proxy ] arg

Proxy-server for updating. <Address>:<port>

-u [ --user ] arg

Username for proxy server.

-k [ --password ] arg

Password for proxy server.

-l [ --progress-to-console ]

Print information about downloading to console.


download command parameters:



--zones arg

Zone description file.

--key-dir arg

Directory where key file is located.

-l [ --progress-to-console ]

Print information about command execution to console.

-g [ --proxy ] arg

Proxy-server for updating. <Address>:<port>

-u [ --user ] arg

Username for proxy server.

-k [ --password ] arg

Password for proxy server.

-s [ --version ] arg

Version name.

-p [ --product ] arg

Product name.