Installing and Uninstalling

This section describes how to install and uninstall the Dr.Web for Linux version 11.1. In this section, you can also find information on how to obtain current updates and a procedure of upgrading to a new version, if the previous version of Dr.Web for Linux is already installed on your computer.

Besides, this section describes the procedure of custom installation and uninstallation of the Dr.Web for Linux components (for example, to resolve errors that occurred during the program operation or to get an installation with a limited function set) and configuration of advanced security subsystems (such as SELinux) that could be necessary for installation and operation of Dr.Web for Linux.

Installing Dr.Web for Linux.

Upgrading Dr.Web for Linux.

Uninstalling Dr.Web for Linux.

Configuring Security Subsystems.

Additional information:

Dr.Web for Linux Files Location.

Custom Component Installation and Uninstallation.

To perform these procedures, superuser permissions are required (i.e. privileges of the root user). To elevate your privileges, use the su command for changing the current user or the sudo command to execute the specified command with the privileges of another user.

Compatibility is not guaranteed for Dr.Web for Linux and anti-virus products of other developers. Due to the fact that installation of two anti-viruses on one machine can lead to errors in the operation system and loss of important data, before the installation of Dr.Web for Linux, it is strongly recommended that you delete anti-virus products of other developers from the computer.


If your computer already has other Dr.Web anti-virus product installed from the universal package (.run), and you want to install one more Dr.Web anti-virus product (for example, you have Dr.Web for UNIX File Servers installed from the universal package, and in addition you want to install Dr.Web for Linux), make sure that the version of the installed product is the same as the version of Dr.Web for Linux you want to install. If the version that you plan on installing is newer that the installed product version, before installation update the installed Dr.Web version of the product you want to install additionally.