
Dr.Web Updater settings are stored in the Updater section of the configuration file (drweb32.ini by default) which is located in %etc_dir directory:

Section [Updater]

UpdatePluginsOnly = {logical}

If Yes value is specified, Dr.Web Updater  does not update Dr.Web Daemon and Dr.Web Scanner. It updates only the plug-ins.

Default value:

UpdatePluginsOnly = No

Section = {Daemon | Scanner}

Specifies the section of configuration file where Dr.Web Updater takes the settings, such as a path to the key file, paths to virus databases and others. Possible values: Scanner, Daemon.

Value of this parameter can be temporarily overriden by the --what command line parameter. The specified value is used until the next start of the script.

Default value:

Section = Daemon

ProgramPath = {path to file}

Path to the executable file of Dr.Web Daemon or Dr.Web Scanner. It is used by Dr.Web Updater to get the product version.

Default value:

ProgramPath = %bin_dir/drwebd

SignedReader = {path to file}

Path to the program which is used to read digitally signed files.

Default value:

SignedReader = %bin_dir/read_signed

LzmaDecoderPath = {path to directory}

Path to the directory that contains a program used for unpacking of lzma-archives.

Default value:

LzmaDecoderPath = %bin_dir/

LockFile = {path to file}

Path to the file used to prevent sharing of certain files during their processing by Dr.Web Updater.

Default value:

LockFile = %var_dir/run/update.lock

CronSummary = {logical}

If you specify Yes, Dr.Web Updater outputs an update report for each session to stdout.

This mode can be used to send notifications to administrator by email, if Dr.Web Updater is run by the cron daemon.

Default value:

CronSummary = Yes

DrlFile = {path to file}

Path to the file (*.drl) with the list of Dr.Web GUS servers.

Dr.Web Updater selects a server from this list in random order to download updates.

For details on downloading updates, see Updating Process.

This file is signed by Doctor Web and must not be modified by a user. The file is updated automatically.

Default value:

DrlFile = %var_dir/bases/update.drl

CustomDrlFile = {path to file}

Path to the file (*.drl) with the alternative list of Dr.Web GUS servers.

Dr.Web Updater also selects a server from this list in random order to download updates.

For details on downloading updates, see Updating Process.

This file is signed by Doctor Web and must not be modified by a user. It is updated automatically.

Default value:

CustomDrlFile = %var_dir/bases/custom.drl

FallbackToDrl = {logical}

Allows using the file specified by DrlFile when connection to one of the servers listed in CustomDrlFile failed.

If the parameter value is No, the file specified in DrlFile is not used.

If the file specified in CustomDrlFile does not exist, the file specified in DrlFile is used regardless of the FallbackToDrl parameter value.

For details on downloading updates, see Updating Process.

Default value:

FallbackToDrl = Yes

DrlDir = {path to directory}

Path to the directory that contains drl files with lists of Dr.Web GUS servers for each plug-in.

These files are signed by Doctor Web and must not be modified by a user.

Default value:

DrlDir = %var_dir/drl/

Timeout = {numerical value}

Maximum wait time for downloading updates from the selected Dr.Web GUS server, in seconds.

Default value:

Timeout = 90

Tries = {numerical value}

Number of attempts by Dr.Web Updater to establish connection with the selected update server.

Default value:

Tries = 3

ProxyServer = {host name | IP address}

Host name or IP address of the proxy server which is used for Internet access.

If the proxy server is not used, the value of this parameter must be empty.

Default value:

ProxyServer =

ProxyLogin = {string}

User login to access the used proxy server (if it requires authentication).

Default value:

ProxyLogin =

ProxyPassword = {string}

The password to access the used proxy server (if it requires authentication).

Default value:

ProxyPassword =

LogFileName = {syslog | file name}

Path to the log file name.

You can specify syslog as a log file name and logging will be performed by syslogd system service.

Default value:

LogFileName = syslog

SyslogFacility = {syslog label}

Log type label which is used by syslogd system service.

Default value:

SyslogFacility = Daemon

LogLevel = {log level}

Log verbosity level.

The following levels are allowed:







Default value:

LogLevel = Info

BlacklistPath = {path to directory}

Path to the directory with .dws files.

Default value:

BlacklistPath = %var_dir/dws

AgentConfPath = {path to file}

Path to Dr.Web Agent configuration file.

Default value:

AgentConfPath = %var_dir/agent.conf

ExpiredTimeLimit = {numerical value}

Number of days left before license expiration during which Dr.Web Updater is attempting to update license key file.

Default value:

ExpiredTimeLimit = 14

ESLockfile = {path to file}

Path to the lock file.

If the lock file exists, Dr.Web Updater can not be automatically initialized by cron daemon.

Default value:

ESLockfile = %var_dir/run/es_updater.lock