Configuration Files

General format of configuration files

All Dr.Web for UNIX File Servers settings are stored in configuration files which you can use to configure all suite components. Configuration files are text files, so they can be edit in any text editor. They have the following format:

--- beginning of file ---
[Section 1 name]
Parameter1 = value1, ..., valueK
ParameterM = value1, ..., valueK
[Section X name]
Parameter1 = value1, ..., valueK
ParameterY = value1, ..., valueK
--- end of file ---

Configuration files are formed according to the following rules:

Symbols ';' or '#' mark the beginning of a comment. Text that follows these symbols is ignored by Dr.Web for UNIX File Servers modules when reading a file.

Contents of the file is divided into sets of named sections. Possible section names are hardcoded and cannot be changed. The section names are specified in square brackets.

Each file section contains configuration parameters, grouped by meaning.

One line contains a value (or values) only for one parameter.

General format for parameter value setting (spaces enclosing the '=' signed are ignored) is the following:

<Parameter name> = <Value>

Parameter names are hardcoded and cannot be changed.

Names of all sections and parameters are case insensitive.

Order of sections in a file and order of parameters in sections are of no consequence.

Parameter values in a file may be enclosed in quotation marks (and must be enclosed in quotation marks if they contain spaces).

Some parameters can have more than one value. In this case, parameter values are separated by a comma or each parameter value is set separately in different lines of the configuration file. If values of a parameter are separated by commas, spaces between a comma and a value are ignored. If a space is a part of a value, the whole value must be enclosed in quotation marks.


If a parameter can have several values, that is explicitly designated. If the possibility to assign several values to a parameter is not explicitly designated, the parameter can have only one value.

Example of assigning several values to a parameter:

1) Separating values by commas:

Parameter = Value1, Value2,"Value 3"

2) Setting of each parameter value separately:

Parameter = Value2
Parameter = Value1
Parameter = "Value 3"


If a parameter is not specified in a configuration file, this does not mean that the parameter does not have any value. In this case, the parameter value is assigned by default.  Only a few parameters are optional or do not have default values, which is mentioned separately.

Parameter description rules used in this Manual

Each parameter in this manual is described as follows:

ParameterName = {Parameter type | Possible values}


{Whether more than one value is possible}

{Special remarks}

{Important remarks}

Default value:

ParameterName = {value | nothing}

Description of parameters is provided in this document in the same order as they are specified in the corresponding configuration file created upon Dr.Web for UNIX File Servers installation.

The Parameter type field can be one of the following:

numerical value parameter value expressed as a whole non-negative number.

time parameter value expressed as a date unit. The value is a whole number that can be followed by a symbol defining the type of a date unit (s – seconds, m – minutes, h – hours; symbol is case insensitive). If the value does not have a symbol, the parameter is expressed in seconds (by default).

  Examples: 30h, 15m, 6 (in the last example, time is expressed in seconds).

size parameter value expressed as a unit of memory size (disk space or RAM). The value is a combination of a whole number that can be followed by a symbol defining the type of a memory size unit (b – bytes, k – kilobytes, m – megabytes, g – gigabytes; symbol is case insensitive). If the value does not have a symbol, the parameter is expressed in bytes.

  Examples: 20b, 15k

permissons parameter value expressed as a three-digit number which determines file access permissions in UNIX format:
Each permission is a combination (sum) of three base permissions:

oRead permission (r) is specified by 4;

oWrite permission (w) is specified by 2;

oExecute permission (x) is specified by 1.

First digit in the value defines permissions for the file owner, second digit - for owner's group, and third digit - for all other users (neither owners nor members of the group).

  Examples: 755, 644

logical (Yes/No) parameter value expressed as a string that can be one of the following: "Yes" or "No".

path to file/directory parameter value expressed as a string which contains a path to a file or folder in the file system. Note, that names of files and folders are case sensitive. If mentioned, you can specify a file mask as a parameter value. A mask can include the following symbols:

o? – replaces one symbol in the file (folder) name;

o* – replaces any sequence of symbols (including an empty sequence) in the file (folder) name.

Example:  "?.e*" – this mask defines all files with a name consisting of only one character and with an extension which is of any length and starts with "e" (x.exe, g.e, f.enable and others).

action parameter value expressed as a string which contains actions (those that are applied to objects by Dr.Web for UNIX File Servers components). In some cases, the parameter can have one basic and three additional actions specified (in such a case, the name of the parameter type is actions list). Basic action must be the first in the list. Different parameters can have a different action list and, in this case, it is specified separately for each parameter. For information on available actions, see Allowed actions.

address parameter value expressed as a string which contains socket address of a Dr.Web for UNIX File Servers component or used external program.
Address is of the following format: TYPE:ADDRESS. There are three available TYPEs:

oinet a TCP socket, ADDRESS is specified in the following format: PORT@HOST_NAME, where HOST_NAME can be either a direct IP address or domain name of the host.


Address = inet:3003@localhost

olocal a local UNIX socket, ADDRESS is a path to the socket file.


Address = local:%var_dir/.daemon

opid a real process address that is to be read from the process PID file. This address type is allowed only in certain cases that are explicitly designated in the parameter description.

text value, string parameter value expressed as a text string. The text can be enclosed in quotation marks (and the text must be enclosed in quotation marks if it contains spaces).

log level parameter value expressed as a string which contains the verbosity level of logging into the file or syslog system service.

value parameter has the type that is not described in the previous items of the list. In this case, all available values are provided.

Behaviour of the modules if configuration file parameters are ill-defined

If any parameter value is incorrect, the respective Dr.Web for UNIX File Servers module outputs an error message and terminates.

If any unknown parameter is found when loading a configuration file, Dr.Web for UNIX File Servers logs the corresponding message and continues operation in the normal mode.