Restoring Components

When Dr.Web for Novell Storage Services components are being updated, Dr.Web Updater saves their back-up copies to the working directory. It enables you to restore any component to its previous state if any problem occurs during an update.

To restore component to its previous state, use the --restore=<components> command line parameter, where <components> is a comma separated list of components to be restored.


# ./ --restore=drweb
Restoring backup for component 'drweb'...
Updates for component 'drweb' are frozen.
Run command './updater --unfreeze=drweb' to start updates again.
Backup for component 'drweb' has been restored!
Dr.Web (R) restore details:
Following files has been restored:


Restored components are automatically frozen. To enable updates for a restored component, unfreeze it.