Working with Quarantine

You can manage Quarantine via the control socket using special commands. In these commands, the following common notions are used:

id - relative path from the directory, specified in the Path parameter in the [Quarantine] section, to the file with the text body.
For example, if the Path parameter value in the [Quarantine] section is /var/drweb/infected (default value), then <id>/drweb/E/00020EBE.maild.xeAX4u path refers to the message which body is located in the file /var/drweb/infected/<id>/drweb/E/00020EBE.maild.xeAX4u,

o<id> - the "def" string;

odrweb - name of the plug-in that blocked the message (Drweb in this case). If the message is blocked by Maild core, the value is set to maild. If the message is moved to archive, the value is set to backup.

id-like - the same as id, but in identifiers of this type, special symbols can be used:  "%" -  zero or more random symbols, "_" - one random symbol.


def/%00014F7F% - all messages with 00014F7F number, saved to Quarantine;

def/drweb/% - all messages saved by Drweb plug-in.

Message body is saved to the database in the decoded form (in UTF8 encoding), and all control characters (ASCII 0..21 and 127), except for tabs, are replaced with spaces.

Execution results are output with an empty string at the end.