Connecting to Exim Using Special Transport


The description below is valid only for Exim 4.xx. For information on adjusting the settings for earlier versions of Exim (3.xx), refer to the corresponding documentation (for example, at

In Exim settings you must add a special transport and a router. Find the Routers Configuration section in the configuration file of the mail system. It starts with the following header:

#       ROUTERS CONFIGURATION                #
# Specifies how remote addresses are handled #
#         ORDER DOES MATTER                  #
#  A remote address is passed to each in     #
#      turn until it is accepted.            #

And right after the following line

begin routers

add the following description:

 driver = accept
 condition = "${if eq {$received_protocol}{drweb-scanned}{0}{1}}"
# check_local_user
 transport = drweb_transport

If check of the recipients is necessary, uncomment the check_local_user parameter.

In the Exim configuration file, find the section where transport is described. It starts with the following header:

#     TRANSPORTS CONFIGURATION               #
#        ORDER DOES NOT MATTER               #
#  Only one appropriate transport is called  #
#          for each delivery.                #

You must add a description of the required transport to this section:

 driver = lmtp
 socket = __ADDRESS__
 batch_max = 100
 timeout = 5m
 user = drweb
# headers_add = "X-Maild-Checked: DrWEB for Exim"

Where _ADDRESS_ is the address of drweb-receiver listening module (the Address parameter in the [Receiver] section of the Dr.Web MailD configuration file) – for example, a UNIX socket %var_dir/ipc/.drweb_maild.

Then you must specify the path to Exim mail system in the Address parameter in the [Sender] section of the Dr.Web MailD configuration file (for example, /usr/exim/bin/exim/), and specify Exim as a value of the MailerName parameter from the same [Sender] section.