General |
In the General section, the read-only fields are listed: •Station identifier—station unique identifier. It is specified at creation of a station account and cannot be changed further. •Name—station name. It is specified at creation of a station account and will be automatically replaced with the computer name after the Agent connect. •Creation date—the date of creation the station on Dr.Web Server. •Security identifier—the SID (security identifier) of Windows OS user account. The field is set automatically after the connection of a station under Windows OS to Dr.Web Server. •LDAP DN—distinguished name of a station under Windows OS. Relevant for stations included into ADS/LDAP domain. The field is set automatically after the connection of a station to Dr.Web Server. •MAC address—MAC address of the station. The field is set automatically after the connection of a station to Dr.Web Server. •Date of last connection—the date of last connection of this station to Dr.Web Server. Also you can specify the following fields: •In the Password field, specify a password to authorise the station at Dr.Web Server (retype this password in the Confirm Password field). If you change the password, you must repeat this action in the Agent connection settings at the station to permit Agent connection. •In the Description field, add comments.
Also in this section the following links reside: •In the Installation file item—the link for downloading Agent installer for this station. After creation of a new station, before the operating system of a station is set, in the section of distribution kit downloading, the links are presented separately for all OS that are supported by Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite. •In the Configuration file item—the link for downloading the file with settings of connection to Dr.Web Server for stations under Android, macOS and Linux operating systems. |