Principle of the installation:
1.Dr.Web Server connects to the ADMIN$ resource at the remote station (\\<remote_station>\ADMIN$\Temp) and copies the network installer drwinst.exe that is located in the webmin\install\windows folder of the Server installation folder and SSL certificate drwcsd-certificate.pem located in the etc folder of the Server installation folder, to the \\<remote_station>\ADMIN$\Temp folder. 2.The Server runs drwinst.exe file at the remote station with the command line switches according to the Control Center settings. Successful installation requires the following on the Server from which the installation will be performed:
1.The ADMIN$\Temp resource must be available at the remote station. The availability can be checked in the following way:
In the address line of the Windows Explorer application, enter the following:
You will get the prompt for entering login and password for assess to this resource. Enter the account data, which have been specified on the installation page.
The ADMIN$\Temp resource can be unavailable for the following reasons:
a)account does not have administrative rights; b)the station is powered off or firewall blocks assess to the 455 port; c)limitations of remote assess to the ADMIN$\Temp resource at the Windows Vista and later OS, if the station is outside a domain; d)the folder owner is absent or not enough privileges on the folder for the user or the group. 2.The drwinst.exe and files are available. Dr.Web Security Control Center displays the external information (step and error code), which can help to diagnose the error reason.
The List of Dr.Web Agent Remote Installation Errors
Connecting via SMB to the <host> station
Invalid address of the <host> station
Station IP address that is specified for the Agent installation is not a valid IPv4/IPv6 address or conversion of DNS name to address has failed: no such DNS name or a name server is incorrectly configured.
Error connecting via SMB to the <host> station
Unable to connect to a station via SMB. Possible reasons:
•the server service is disabled on a station; •the 445 port is not available at the remote station, possible reasons: ▫station is turned off; ▫firewall blocks specified port; ▫the OS at a remote station is not Windows OS. •sharing and security model for local accounts is not configured; •authorization server (domain controller) is not available; •unknown user name or bad password; •the SMBv1 protocol is disabled. |

The remote Agent installation requires the SMBv1 protocol that is disabled by default for some versions of Windows OS.
Information on how to detect, enable and disable SMBv1, SMBv2, and SMBv3 in Windows and Windows Server is given at Microsoft company web site.
Insufficient privileges to open the <share> shared resource at the <host> station
The ADMIN$ resource does not exist on a remote station, or not enough privileges to open it.
Sending files to the <host> station
The <path> path in the <share> shared resource is not found on the <host> station
The ADMIN$/TEMP directory does not exist.
Unable to create the <path> temporary folder in the <share> shared resource on the <host> station
Unable to create the temporary directory in ADMIN$/TEMP, e.g., not enough privileges to write.
Unable to delete the <path> temporary folder in the <share> shared resource on the <host> station
Unable to delete the temporary directory in ADMIN$/TEMP after the procedure is complete. E.g., if the service was not completed, or someone opened a file in this directory.
Unable to open the <path> file for reading on the Server
Unable to read the <path> file on the Server
The installer file was not found on the Server, or insufficient privileges are set on the installer file.
Unable to open the <path> file for writing in the <share> shared folder on the <host> station
Unable to write the <path> file in the <share> shared folder on the <host> station
Not enough privileges to read/write corresponding files or in the corresponding directories.
Creating service on the <host> station
Error connecting to the server service (srvsvc RPC) on the <host> station
Remote management of services is not available.
Error connecting to SCM on the <host> station
Unable to create the service on the <host> station
Unable to start the service on the <host> station
Unable to stop the service on the <host> station
Unable to delete the service on the <host> station
Not enough privileges to control services.
Running service on the <host> station
Unable to get the service state on the <host> station
Possible SCM error.
Installation timed out on the <host> station
The installer did not have time to install the Agent for the specified period. Possible reasons: a slow channel between the station and the Server, not enough time to download necessary data.
Unable to get the local path to the <share> shared resource on the <host> station
Unable to locate the path to the ADMIN$ resource on the station.
The service has faulted with an error on the <host> station. Completion state: <share>. Error code: <rc>.
The Agent installer errors.