SpIDer Gate

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Web traffic check is carried out via a resident component called SpIDer Gate. SpIDer Gate checks the incoming HTTP traffic and blocks all objects that contain security threats. HTTP is used by web browsers, download managers and many other apps which exchange data with web servers, i.e. work with the Internet.

SpIDer Gate also allows you to control access to web resources and to prevent users from viewing undesirable websites (for example, pages on violence, gambling, adult content, and so on).

SpIDer Gate settings for computers running macOS are available in the SpIDer Gate for workstations section, for macOS Server—in the SpIDer Gate for servers section.


Set/clear the Enable SpIDer Gate flag to enable/disable SpIDer Gate.

Set the Use heuristic analysis flag to use heuristic analysis for detecting unknown threats.

In the Scanning time of one element field, specify the maximum time for scanning a file. Value 0 means that time to scan one file is unlimited.

Increasing the time for scanning a single file may slow down the computer and increase the overall scanning time.


Set/clear the Scan received files flag to enable/disable incoming Internet traffic check.

In the Block files and Additionally block lists, select types of incoming malicious objects which will be blocked by SpIDer Gate.

Web filtering

Set/clear the Scan URL flag to enable/disable check of Internet resources by categories.

Set/clear the Block non-recommended websites flag to deny/allow access to the websites that use social engineering techniques to misguide users.

Set/clear the Block URLs listed due to a notice from copyright owner flag to deny/allow access to the websites due to a notice from the copyright owner who has found out about the violation of rights of the intellectual property in the Internet.

In the Block websites from the following categories list, select the categories of websites you need to block access to.

In the White list/Black list sections, add the paths to the websites you need to allow/restrict access to:

To add a certain website, enter its full address (for example, www.example.com). Access to all web pages located on this website will be defined by this string.

To configure access to websites with similar names, enter the common part of their domain names. For example, if you enter example, the access to the example.com, example.test.com, test.com/example, test.example222.com and other similar websites will be defined by this string.

To configure access to websites within a particular domain, enter the domain name with a period «.». In this case, the access to all web pages located on this domain will be defined by this string. If specifying domain name, you use a forward slash "/", the substring before the "/" is considered a domain name, while the substring after the slash is considered a part of address for the websites that you want to access within this domain. For example, if you enter example.com/test, SpIDer Gate will configure access to web pages such as example.com/test11, template.example.com/test22, and etc.


In this section, specify the maximum nesting level for containers being checked. If the nesting level is higher than the specified value, the container will be ignored when scanning. Value 0 means that nested objects will not be checked.

In the Maximum compression ratio field, specify the maximum compression ratio for compressed objects (a ratio of source object size to compressed size). If compression ratio of an object is greater than the specified value, the object will be ignored when scanning.


Executable file—executable path for SpIDer Gate.

Log level—defines the log verbosity level that is used for SpIDer Gate messages logging.

Logging method—defines the logging method for SpIDer Gate. The following values are allowed:

Auto—use the logging method which is defined in Dr.Web settings for all components of the solution.

Syslog—use the syslog system service. If you select this method, you must also specify the value of Syslog facility parameter. It defines the label (or subsystem) which is used by syslog to save messages from SpIDer Gate.

Path—use the separate specified file to store SpIDer Gate log messages. If you select this method, you must also specify a path to the file in the Log file field.