Transport |
On the Transport tab, you can configure network addresses to listen for accepting incoming connections by the Web server, e.g., for connection of the Control Center or executing requests via the Web API: In the Addresses to listen section, you can configure the list of interfaces to listen for accepting connections via the HTTP protocol: •Address—the IP address of the network interface from which connections can be accepted. •HTTP port—the port number of the network interface from which HTTP connections can be accepted. •HTTPS port—the port number of the network interface from which HTTPS connections can be accepted. By default, the following parameters are set to "listen" by the Web server: ▫Address:—use "all network interfaces" for this computer, on which the Web server is installed. ▫HTTP Port: 9080—use the standard 9080 port for the HTTP protocol. ▫HTTPS Port: 9081—use the standard 9081 port for the HTTPS protocol. To add a new address line, click |