Policy Management

Creating Policy

To create a new policy

1.Select the Anti-virus network item in the main menu of the Control Center.

2.Select icon-add-object Add a network object on the toolbar and icon-add-policy Create policy in the submenu.

A window for creating a policy will be opened.

3.The Identifier field is filled automatically. You can edit it during creation, if necessary. The identifier should not contain spaces. In the sequel, a policy identifier cannot be changed.

4.Specify a policy name in the Name field.

5.When creating a policy, its settings are copied from the Default policy by default. To change the object from which the settings will be copied, click the Select another object link. In the opened window, select the object from the given list. It can be a group, a station, other policy or a policy version. You can select only one object. Click Save. The selected object will be displayed in the policy creation window.

6.Click Save to create policy with the specified settings.

7.When creating a policy, a policy version that corresponds to the date of a policy adding is created automatically.

Policy Versions

Policy can have several versions but not more than specified in the settings of the Server configuration. Policy version name corresponds to the time of its creation.

To create a new policy version

1.Select the Anti-virus network item in the main menu of the Control Center.

2.You can access the policy configuration via the hierarchical list of the anti-virus network. Edit the configuration of the policy for which you want to create a new version. You can do it manually or using the import/propagation of the configuration from other object of the anti-virus network (station, group, policy).

3.When saving the changes, a new policy version will be created automatically on a base of specified settings of the policy. Created version will be assigned as a current.


Only one version of a policy is the current and can be assigned to stations.


Configuration of a policy version is read-only.

To change the current version of a policy

1.Select the Anti-virus network item in the main menu of the Control Center.

2.In the hierarchical list, select a policy current version of which you want to change.

3.On the opened properties pane of a policy, in the General section, select the necessary version in the Current version drop-down list.

4.Click Save.

Removing Policy


You can remove policies either whole or by versions.

To remove policy or policy version

1.Select the Anti-virus network item in the main menu of the Control Center.

2.Select a policy or a policy version in the hierarchical list.

3.Click icon-general General → icon-general-remove-object Remove selected objects on the toolbar.


When removing a policy, please note the following features:

When removing the last version of a policy, the policy is also removed.

If you remove a current policy version, the latest version (with the last date) become a current.

To all stations to which the removed policy version was assigned, the current version of this policy will be assigned.