H4.2. Basic Commands

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drwcsd [<switches>] dumpimportdb <DB_file> [<SQL_file> [<tables_filter>]]—write to the Server log file or to the SQL file detailed information on embedded or external database.

Import and export of the database is not performed during the dumpimportdb command execution.

<DB_file>—export file of the database, information on which will be written to the Server log file or to the <SQL_file>. Export file can be get via the exportdb command; also you can use the file from the backup copy of the database. XML file after the xmlexportdb command is not allowed.

<SQL_file>—file to write all SQL queries that will be executed during the database import from the file specified in the <DB_file>. If SQL file is not specified, the data will be written to the Server log file (as a list of tables and their fields). If the file is specified, only the queries to the SQL file will be written.

<tables_filter>—the list of database tables, information on which will be written into the <SQL_file>. The tables in the list must be separated with comma. The names must correspond the names of the database tables. For example: admins,groups,stations. Tables filter is applied for SQL file output only.

drwcsd reconfigure—reread and reboot the configuration file (it is performed quicker and without starting a new process).

drwcsd restart—restart the Server (it is executed as the stop and then start pair).

drwcsd start—run the Server.

drwcsd stop—stop the Server.

drwcsd stat—log statistics to a file: CPU time, memory usage, etc. (for UNIX system-based OS—similar to send_signal WINCH or kill SIGWINCH commands).

drwcsd verifyakey <key_file_path>—verify the license key file (agent.key).

drwcsd verifyekey <key_file_path>— verify the Server license key file (enterprise.key). Please note that the Server license key file is no longer used from the version 10.

drwcsd verifyconfig <config_file_path>—verify the syntax of the Server configuration file (drwcsd.conf).