If any viruses or computer threats of other types are detected during scanning, Dr.Web Scanner informs you about them and recommends the most effective actions to neutralize them. You can neutralize all detected threats at once by clicking Neutralize. In this case, Dr.Web Scanner applies the most effective actions according to its configuration and threat type.

By clicking Neutralize, you apply actions to the objects selected in the table. Dr.Web Scanner selects all objects by default once scanning completes. If necessary, you can select objects or groups of objects manually to set an action applied by clicking Neutralize. To do this, use check boxes next to object names or the drop-down menu in the table header.
To select an action
1.Where necessary, select a custom action from the drop-down list in the Action field. By default, Dr.Web Scanner selects a recommended action. 2.Click Neutralize. Dr.Web Scanner applies actions to the selected threats. There are the following limitations:
•For suspicious objects, curing is impossible. •For objects which are not files (boot sectors) moving and deletion is impossible. •For files inside archives, installation packages, or attachments, no actions are possible. The detailed report on program operation is stored in the dwscanner.log file that is located in %USERPROFILE%\Doctor Web folder.
Column name
This table column contains the name of an infected or suspicious object (either a file name if a file is infected, or Boot sector if a boot sector is infected, or Master Boot Record if an MBR of the hard drive is infected).
The names of viruses or virus modifications as per the internal classification of Doctor Web (modification of a known virus is a code resulting from such alteration of a known virus which can still be detected but cannot be cured with the algorithms applied to the initial virus). For suspicious objects, the following is displayed: indication that the object “is possibly infected” and the type of a possible virus according to the classification used by the heuristic analyzer.
Click an arrow on this button to select a custom action for a detected threat (by default, Dr.Web Scanner offers the most effective action).
You can apply the displayed action separately to each threat by clicking this button.
The full paths to the corresponding files.

If you enabled the Neutralize detected threats option on the settings page of Dr.Web Scanner to configure After scanning, threats will be neutralized automatically.