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Pop-up notifications

Enable the appropriate option to get pop-up notifications above the SpIDer Agent icon Значок SpIDer Agent in the Windows notification area.

Notification parameters

1.Click Notifications parameters.

2.Select types of notifications that you want to receive and select the corresponding check boxes.

Notification type


Threat notifications

Select to be notified on threats detected by SpIDer Guard and SpIDer Gate. Clear if you do not want to be notified.

These notifications are enabled by default.

Critical notifications

Select to be notified on the following critical issues:.

Connections waiting for Firewall to reply are detected

Your login and password are already used for connection to central protection server.

Clear if you do not want to be notified on the issues listed above. By default, these notifications are enabled.

Major notifications

Select to be notified on the following major issues:

Expiration of the time limit set for working on the computer.

Device is blocked.

Attempt to change system date and time is blocked.

Attempt to access a protected object is blocked by Preventive Protection.

Virus databases are out of date (when operating in Mobile mode).

Clear if you do not want to be notified on the issues listed above. By default, these notifications are enabled.

Minor notifications

Select to be notified on the following minor issues:

Successful update.

Update failures.

Expiration of the time limit set for Internet use.

URL is blocked by Office Control.

URL is blocked by SpIDer Gate.

An attempt to access a protected object is blocked by Office Control

Scan of your computer is run by administrator of your anti-virus network.

Scan of your computer is run according to schedule.

Scan of your computer is finished.

Clear if you do not want to be notified on the issues listed above. By default, these notifications are disabled.

3.If necessary, configure additional parameters:



Do not show notifications in full-screen mode

Select this check box to hide notifications when an application is running in full-screen mode on your computer (e.g., a game or a movie).

Clear this check box to display notifications regardless of the mode.

Display Firewall notifications on separate desktop in full-screen mode

Select this check box to display notifications from Firewall on a separate desktop when an application is running in full-screen mode on your computer (a game or a movie).

Clear this check box to display notifications on the same desktop where an application is running in full-screen mode.


Notifications on the following issues are not included in any of the specified groups and are always displayed to the user:

Priority updates installed and restart is required.

To finish neutralizing threats, restart the computer.

To enable or disable the hypervisor, restart the computer.

Request for allowing a process to modify an object

Messages sent by central protection server administrator.