General Settings

General Settings


Figure 35. General settings

On the General settings screen (see Figure 35), you can use the following options:

Status bar. Enables and disables the Dr.Web icon in the Android status bar. Using this option, you can also remove the Dr.Web bar from the notification area (see Notification bar).


The setting is not available on devices with Android 8.0 or later.

Notification bar. Allows you to manage the appearance of the Dr.Web notification bar. If the option is enabled, the Dr.Web notification bar is used. If the option is disabled, the standard Android notification bar is used.

No threats notifications. Enables and disables notifications informing that no threats have been detected in apps or updates that were just installed.


The setting is not available on devices with Android 8.0 or later. In this case, notifications from the Safe applications category can be enabled or disabled in the device settings.

Sound. Enables and disables sound alerts on threat detection, deletion, or moving to quarantine. By default, sound alerts are enabled.

Send statistics. Allows you to opt out of sending statistics to Doctor Web.

Additional options. Contains additional settings:

System applications. Allows you to enable and disable notifications on detecting threats in system applications that cannot be safely deleted. This option is disabled by default.

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