Example Usage

Example usage of the drweb-ctl command:

1)Start scanning of the /home directory with default parameters:

$ drweb-ctl scan /home

2)Scan paths listed in the daily_scan file (one path per line):

$ drweb-ctl scan --stdin < daily_scan

3)Start scanning the boot record on the sda disk:

$ drweb-ctl bootscan /dev/sda

4)Output all parameters from the [Root] section of the active configuration:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Root

5)Set 'No' as the Start parameter value in the [LinuxSpider] section (this parameter value disables SpIDer Guard — monitor of the file system in Linux OS):

# drweb-ctl cfset LinuxSpider.Start No

Note that superuser privileges are required to perform this action. To elevate the privileges, you can use the sudo command, as shown in the following example:

$ sudo drweb-ctl cfset LinuxSpider.Start No

Example usage of the find utility to select files for scanning (the drweb-ctl scan --stdin command):

1)Scan all files in all directories, starting from the root directory, on the same partition of the file system:

$ find / -xdev -type f | drweb-ctl scan --stdin

2)Scan all files in all directories, starting from the root directory, except files residing in the /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog directories:

$ find / -type f ! -path /var/log/messages ! -path /var/log/syslog | drweb-ctl scan –stdin

3)Scan all files of the root user in all directories, starting from the root directory:

$ find / -type f -user root | drweb-ctl scan --stdin

4)Scan files of the root and admin users in all directories, starting from the root directory:

$ find / -type f \( -user root -o -user admin \) | drweb-ctl scan --stdin

5)Scan files of users with UID in the range 1000 - 1005 in all directories, starting from the root directory:

$ find / -type f -uid +999 -uid -1006 | drweb-ctl scan --stdin

6)Scan files in all directories, starting from the root directory, with a nesting level not more than five:

$ find / -maxdepth 5 -type f | drweb-ctl scan --stdin

7)Scan files in a root directory ignoring files in subdirectories:

$ find / -maxdepth 1 -type f | drweb-ctl scan --stdin

8)Scan files in all directories, starting from the root directory, with following all symbolic links:

$ find -L / -type f | drweb-ctl scan --stdin

9)Scan files in all directories, starting from the root directory, without following symbolic links:

$ find -P / -type f | drweb-ctl scan --stdin

10)Scan files created not later than July 3, 2013 in all directories, starting with the root directory:

$ find / -type f -newermt 2013-07-03 | drweb-ctl scan --stdin