Anti-Virus Scanning and Anti-Spam Check for Microsoft Exchange Server

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The anti-virus plug-in Dr.Web supports the VSAPI (the Virus Scanning Application Programming Interface developed by Microsoft for Exchange Servers) when installed on Microsoft Exchange Server 2003/2007/2010.

The plug-in also supports server roles for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010/2013 SP 1/2016 and can be installed on the servers with different roles.

Dr.Web also supports such concept of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010/2013/2016 as transport agents (anti-virus and anti-spam agents).

Microsoft Exchange Server version

Available components for anti-virus scanning and mail filtering

Available components for anti-spam check and mail filtering


DrWebVSAPI.dll (Backend)

DrWebSink.dll (IIS)


DRWTransportAgent.dll (Hub, Edge)

DrWebVSAPI.dll  (Mailbox)

DRWTransportAgent.dll (Hub, Edge)


DRWTransportAgent.dll (Hub, Edge)

DrWebVSAPI.dll  (Mailbox)

DRWTransportAgent.dll (Hub, Edge)


DRWTransportAgent.dll (Frontend, Backend)

DRWTransportAgent.dll (Frontend, Backend)

2013 SP1

DRWTransportAgent.dll (Edge, MailBox)

DRWTransportAgent.dll (Edge, MailBox, CAS)


DRWTransportAgent.dll (Edge, MailBox)

DRWTransportAgent.dll (Edge, MailBox)


If you need to install Microsoft Exchange Server anti-spam agents after you install Dr.Web, you need to lower Dr.Web agent priority. This will allow Microsoft Exchange Server agents to scan messages, and then Dr.Web agents will scan them.